Chapter 15 (Part 2)

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 “Open the window!" Dominic's voice although muffled could be heard and Jacqueline flung the doors open hard. Hoping it would hit him.

It did.

"Shit." He cursed, glaring at Jacqueline.

"I apologize, my lord, it was an accident,” She smirked up at him. "Forgive me." She smiled happily at his red throbbing nose and wanted, was holding the temptation to laugh her ass off.

His face was still handsome, blond hair flicking messily almost dancing across his face. He looked like a comical hero in a sense, most women would swoon, but the reddened throbbing nose made her splutter and look to the carpeted ground, ignoring the temptation to laugh.

He took her seriously and bent his head coolly" You are forgiven."

Jacqueline huffed and rolled her eyes at him. He glowered and bent down to his stallion. "Shh," The horse hadn't moved from its previous stillness but it stood even stiller. Almost like a statue at his master’s wishes.

"Well as a lady you need to know how to ride, especially if we go to court. When his majesty wishes we must ride with him"

Jacqueline nodded, at his majesty. The sovereign, His Majesty, King Francis 1st. "Well hurry up then,"

"I don't have a horse, my lord,"

"I know I didn't give you a horse for a reason. A woman receives a horse from her husband as a gift you deserve nothing from me,”

She got up and turned to leave, the library didn't seem so warm. "Wait!"

She continued walking towards the door and the horse neighed. "My lord, I am to rest," She stated clearly.

"After our lesson Jacqueline, or I'll teach you another way," His threat, scared her she turned around with a frown on her face.

She stepped closer to Dominic, his blond hair flicking less now as the wind reduced but his face angry at her, his dark beast below him. "We'll what am I supposed to ride on?"

He arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow "My horse, of course,"

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now