Chapter 37

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Jacqueline was eating, nervously, she couldn't enjoy the delicious array of foods before her and she was agitated. The private dinner being held in their honour left her with an empty stomach. She felt queasy and refused to eat anything. Dominic's plan had not work. Unless Francis had decided to not tell the court of their divorce, it felt exactly the same.

Once they had returned to the palace Dominic had treated her with the most politeness she had ever seen. He had been kind, attentive and paitent as she ranted angrily. He had not shouted or once spoke as she complained and insulted him. Instead he had sat quietly and it seemed like he had listened to everything she said.

He had said the letter must of been a joke, but his face paled at seeing it. He had then nodded and repiled that she would not be owned by him if she broke the wedding contract, and he would allow her to live her life in peace.

Once she was done, he excused himself. He had talked quickly of their divorce and the reason for having to humiliate her in the street for it to work, he had promised it would not happen again and he had apologised for doing it without warning. After he had said he would not join her for dinner. And William would escort her.

As she sat in her cushioned seat she looked at the people she was surronded with, and realised how young and alone she felt. The cold glances of members of the court, including Mr Thomas. And the warm congratulations of the noblewomen who thought of her unrest, her desperation to wed.

But as she bit into a soft fluffy cake she wondered. After all that abuse and hatred gone what was left of Dominic. Lord Dominic DeFleur. He was alone and Jacqueline felt a great loss of hurt.

William who did not know of the plan sat rigid, his face a cool mask of anger and irritation. He was still mad at her for not going though with the divorce which he knew existed but did not want to upset her by not coming. Amelia sat beside him and talked animatedly to a young woman who was also being ogled at by the men.

Thomas included. Her older brother had been invited to her wedding, her parents somewhere as well. And she felt even more nervous. She was glad Francis approved of the divorce otherwise she would not of known now to deal with the angry crowd that would swarm after either member of the couple after the divorce.

She felt bad for his wife, Thomas' wife. She had been cast away and sat eating her meal in slience whilst her husband lusted for his brother's wife. She couldn't have that in her relationship. She thought, at least Dominic had never done that. Or at least in public, she had been spared at humiliation.


Dominic sat weary in his study."Yes?"

"My lord's meal. Requested by His Majesty." Dominic waved the servant in but continued to stare at the sheets in front of him. He was waiting for the letter. That one letter that would free him of Jacqueline, or more correct, free her of him. So his work was the only thing that could keep him occupied.

The messanger would most likely come late at night or early the next morning. And Dominic could only wait. He was even unsure if the divorce had been granted but at least this gave him the last shread of hope that he could do something right.

His mind drifted onto the fact he had been sold a wife. And it made him for determined for her to get the divorce and live without him. She must of felt so worthless, when she was the greatest woman he had ever met. Apart from his mother.

He looked at the food in front of him and pushed the fine meal away. He was in no mood to throw up or spit it out."You are dismissed."

"Yes, my lord." The butler left and gently shut the door.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now