Chapter 27

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Jacqueline nibbled on her lip, waiting for Dominic to leave the study so she could have some privacy. Maybe see Anna and Peter again. Maybe see Amelia and William again.

He sat at his desk. Surrounded by papers and inkwells dried. He had been their since noon and the evening was going to approach soon. The sun lit the drawing room, that Jacqueline sat in. The day had been long, apart from asking if she would like to take afternoon tea Dominic had not talked to her whole day.

He had poured some hot tea into two warm cups and gently passed it to her. She had thanked him and he had returned to his desk. The door knocked and she rushed to open it, a servant held it and she quietly sank back into her seat.

Ten men strode in confidently. All wearing big smiles on their faces, they bowed to Jacqueline and then stood waiting for their leader to speak."My lord," He bowed towards Dominic again.

This time Dominic looked up."You have come to talk about the arrangements?"

"Your plan sir, we tested it today with his majesty's approval and it worked magnificently," Lord Smith commented with a chirp."Francis is to leave for his palace in Paris to execute it there."

He refered to the plan that Francis had wanted in place. The king pacing with worry and irritation he had ordered his swords master to come up with a plan to cover the whole of the estate. Including the shore and it's area. Dominic had spent that whole evening, not even sleeping, but planning the security of the whole castle.

"I am glad it worked so efficiently." Dominic said although his mind was on his current body's state.

Afterwards, it had been day break and he had slept for an hour before his wife woke up. On Francis' advice he had kept her with him the whole day. Francis had not told him why, instead he shooed Dominic out and went to bed. Dominic had spent the rest of the day planning the security for the outer area including the shores and the land closest to it.

Dominc nodded."I have been calculating the costs an-"

"My lord, if I may be so bold, there is a woman amongst us." Another man, Lord Winterthorn snarled. His gaze on Jacqueline. Heated grey eyes lacked the passion of a family man, wedded man. Only the aura of a lonely man and a fighter was clear as he held a sword in his left hand."She may faint if she hear such bloodshed, her body may be use to the body of a man, looking at her beauty and her bosom, but not the actions of a true one."

"Hold your tongue Winterthorn! It is my wife and as your commanding officer I suggest you treat her with more respect or go and explain to his Majesty of your barabic opinions towards the Countess."

Winterthorn clenched his fist, Francis was polite to woman and would have his throat at his disrespect- he could have his way with tavern women but not a noble one, and he remembered his place and bowed to Jacqueline,"I apologise I did not know it was her lady ship."

Jacqueline said nothing and got up curtesying to the men."I pray you excuse me husband?"

"I will see you at dinner, have Amelia escort you around the casltle." Jacqueline nodded and left the room. She would do no such thing but if it got her out the room she would be glad to pretend. She wondered how he knew she was with Amelia anyway...

Scanning the area she could see a large increase of guards. Especially near Francis' private chambers. She looked up at the celing and saw the reflection of many men at the bottom floor marching around.

Jacqueline adjusted her hat and headed to find the Wilson residence. Listening to Dominic's low volume rumbling she had heard they were in the east wing and close to his majesty's chambers. That was logical. Wilson was a Duke and Anna a Duchess, the closest to Prince and King in title.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now