Chapter 5

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It was a bright day again, Dominic was actually surprised because it was winter but it felt to him as if it was a summer’s day.

“How is she?" Dominic's father asked as they walked to the house on return from their morning chat.

"Disobedient, challenging and rude," His son replied glancing at the dog house he had been subjected to he could not wait till all the papers were completed so he could return home and live in comfort. Rubbing his head, he frowned as the noises of the city ruined his sleep.

His father puffed some of his pipe, irritated at the fact the priest could not allow it in his home.

Dominic's continued rambling. "Yes I shall she is interesting father but I'm unsure about children," He posed his worry; she had been bountiful breasts fit for milk and already shapely. Her hips fit snugly in her dress but she was too meek. How would he advance on a woman who could not look him in the eye? Failure on his wedding night would be laughable.

His father patted his son knowingly, "Dominic we are French seducers of the opposite sex, stay for a while charm her, compliment her and then on your wedding night do what is necessary afterwards you may treat her as you like."

He smirked slightly, agreeing with his sire they walked indoors. "Good Morning Jacqueline," He kissed her hand lightly, smiling at her.

"Good morning, my lord" She curtsied, looking anywhere but him.

"My lord?" she looked up" I thought we were past that, we understood each other and now can talk as if we are friends," He grasped her hand tightly, reminding her of the previous.. The first encounter, she shook him off and caught the other man’s eye.

Looking at his father bobbing a quick curtsy, he had raised a bastard; she wanted to scream at him. "My lord, good morning," The older man nodded and walked off

Dominic and Jacqueline were left alone. "You look beautiful, Jacqueline"

She looked up; his face looked straight at her. He had no smile on his face, saying it as is he was obliged to. She was furious ignoring him she responded with a sarcastic “Thank you,”

"That's quite alright as my wife I will be complimenting you more of course," He offered her hand and she politely took it, as they walked to the dining room.

“What does your home look like, my lord?”

The food was placed before them, steaming broth and a meal of bread and meat they ate calmly not looking at each other. "My home has sixteen rooms we will of course share a room together as husband and wife,"

Of course husband dearest, she thought sarcastically.

Looking at her plate, forgetting that she would have to leave her home start a fresh. One relief of being married was she would be removed from the hatred of her father. The scorn he had ever since she was a child because of her sex. Some fathers doted on their daughters she knew, but never her’s and she had ever been loved by a father figure. She only had brothers, she only had Anthony, William and Alex to rely on but now she was being ripped from all three men.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now