Chapter 8

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Author's Note: She is a loyal reader, an amazing friend and her book is pretty, okay, it is awesome ^^ Also she has the same nickname as me. Isn't that cool? Well your opinion. Enjoy!

Awaking from her slumber, Jacqueline recalled were she was. She had run through Dominic's land, including his forests and now was on the edge of it. Getting up her body ached from sleeping on the hard ground and she shook her head of the snow that was in it.

"I'm free!" She marvelled at her new freedom.

Of course she needed to find safety but the essence the dreamland she had awoken in meant she felt like a happy drunk. She hoped if she ran fast enough maybe she could find a job. Or at least run to the nuns they would surely accept her with open arms, if she showed enough knowledge and being a clergyman's daughter she was assured she had enough.

"I'm free!" Jacqueline repeated before checking her cloak. She had some change surely enough for wine and bread before she continued on her journey forward. She saw a small tavern, and entered the building.

She sat in the tavern waiting, enjoying the warmth of the room itself. People kept to themselves here she could see. Tables set out for privacy and no one sitting were they weren't supposed to. "May I sit here miss?" She looked up there was a man; he was wearing the sort of clothing William did. He must have been a priest.

"But there are many free tables, sir." The man smiled at her, his fiery red hair a contrast to say these people were the spawn of the devil.

"I know but none are as close to the fire." Jacqueline smiled in relief, she hadn't been found she allowed the man to sit opposite her.

"Who are you, miss?"

Jacqueline frowned, she knew someone would ask eventually but what to say. If he was a priest he might know William as he lived not too far from here whereas if she said Countess Defleur, these were still Dominic's land. He might drag her back or report her for a reward.

"Elaine Desouth, sir" He arched an eyebrow and nodded biting into his manchet, shaking some of the flour off. She laughed at her incompetence. Of course every French person had to have a De at the beginning of her surname. Her imagination had abandoned her in her moment of panic.

"Don't sir me madam, I am but a mere servant to my lord and king and a father. Father Andrews." He gave her his hand, and not knowing if Dominic was here it would be the other way round, she kissed it.

"God bless you Father," She answered respectfully, finishing her meal she looked around. Now in haste to leave before it got even more risky.

"I think he has. I need to wed for my happiness and heirs I have found no one till now and you being alone, well I could offer you the hono-"

"Excuse me father," Jacqueline got up, was this man sane? You see a woman in a tavern and you want to marry her. She shook her head and curtsied walking off.

He was probably a rapist, or a prostitute owner. They would give girls false promises and kidnap them. She would have to be vigilant and more importantly, wary.

She was going to get out of here. Maybe find William. The food hadn't come yet and she hadn't paid. A few pennies could get her somewhere and she could walk after. Jacqueline's thought process was sorely on getting out of here.

She could live without a man, she would get work something. Why could men work but not women? She could read, write, do simple mathematics. She could read and write in English, French and Latin. Surely it would be enough for a governess somewhere, just a small home which allowed her the independence she craved, and the happiness she could not attain with Dominic Defleur.

"Are you Lady Jacqueline Defleur?" She looked, another man commented. Not even looking at his appearance all she saw was him outside the tavern.

Jacqueline took off and ran towards the sea. She would find William he would surely get her out of this mess.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now