Chapter 23

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The carriage had been travelling since the previous day's evening. Dominic returning to his home to find his wife and staff ready for their departure. Trunks packed and the horses saddeled. She had made sure Storm was well groomed and feed.

A white horse, for her, was saddeled and ready. The staff quickly, under the Countess' orders had taken the Earl to his chambers and bathed him. He had a warm meal waiting and his clothes pressed for their journey.

Dominic startled by the efficeny she had displayed, was irritated, he wanted her to fail and she hadn't. And it dawned to him she may of been somewhat capable of something. He ignored her for the rest of the day and as they were about to depart, decided to travel in the carriage.

She had not complained or spoken to him. They had travelled all night, Dominic uncaring of highway men and theives. A knife was in his pocket and he would not hesistate to use it. But as they had travelled through the night, they had been undisturbed.

The evening sunset of the second day was now approaching and they had almost arrived.

Dominic shook off his apprehension his new wife sitting down next to him, her head bent in her bible."I-" Dominic began.

She looked up trying to search in the hooded eyes. He kept slient and she returned to reading. Her long brown hair cloaked most of her face, she wore a veil and a hat on her head.

The carriage stopped. The lurching motion that had almost made Dominic throw up. Stopped."My lord" His driver opened the door. Dominic sighed.

"What is it Edwards?" Dominic snapped. Jacqueline looked up at the grey haired man. His shoulder length grey hair made him seem knowledgable and the pinched expression meant he had been daring himself to do this for a while.

"I was just wondering if you and the Countess would like to break for lunch?" The driver asked, glancing at the exhausted Countess, the carriage had already been stopped twice for her to throw up and she had not had a drink.

"If I wanted a meal I would order you to stop we will continue we are fine." Dominic concluded.

The driver, a fatherly man in his thirtes nodded but he fidgeted with his sleeve."The Madame Countess looks weary, my lord." He mumbled.

He looked at Jacqueline. She was pale, the journey making her tired and the long green carriage jacket she wore could not hide the slumped posture of her back, Neither could the veil which she wore covering some of her face, she removed it and placed it next to her.

Although two men were argueing about her, she had no strength to argue. She could feel the bile rising in her throat and she rubbed the pink bruise of Dominic's slap. He always seemed to hit her in the same place and she knew that the area was already brusing.

Dominic seethed" Is it your business Edwards I suggest you do your job and drive I wish to arrive by sunset?"

The driver sighed"Yes, my lord, I apologise for my forwardness."

"I don't want a apology I want you to do what you are paid for," He snapped slamming the door shut.

Jacqueline was uncomfortable, her stomach rumbled and she scowled."My lord?"

"What?"He spat

"I-I wish to eat, my lord"She kept her head bent. Gently shutting the book shut, she stared at the cover.

She had said to herself that she would not bow down to him anymore. But the expression of her husband made her sliently shiver.

His blond hair although it flopped on his face, was perfectly brushed. It covered the angry face whose lips had been pursed and eyes blazing with thought for a whole day. He had been silent, and continuing he looked out the window of the carriage. It continued to drive."I am to sleep."

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now