Chapter 13

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Jacqueline gathered her skirt and headed towards the further part of the house. She knew asking the saddle boy to prepare her horse and her earlier conversation with her 'darling 'husband meant he would be fuming and definitely looking for her.

The lilac dress made a ruffling sound and against the click of her heels she took them off and held them in her hand instead.

And as she had thought yesterday the perfect revenge would be messing with his perfect little world a bit. Dominic seemed a man of organisation and neatness and if she could and would shake his life a little....

It would be minimal to what he's done to mine. Jacqueline thought, she knew she would be punished not letting her out without his permission wouldn't be enough. His letter to William had been enough to scar her.

He had sacred her literally. His grasp making a bruise on her wrist. She rubbed it lightly before thinking of William. Alex. Anthony. All the men that meant something to her. Home. William mainly. Dominic's letter was uncalled for. But William made her promise she wouldn't talk about it to him. She was loyal to William.

But the letter, the letter to her lovely William, the horrible man that was her husband had wrote to her brother. That god damn letter, she could not believe a man could write such a thing. She wanted to slaughter Sir Dominic.

It threatened to kill the priest if Jacqueline was not returned and that he wouldn't hesitate to burn down his home if she was found in it. The actions of a nobleman, never questioned especially one so close to the king. Dominic had control wrapped around his manly soft fingers.

Nevertheless he wouldn't control me. She concluded. Jacqueline would enjoy today have some longed for privacy and wind up her masterful husband.

The house large and the corridors just as big even if the windows hadn't been opened in years; the soft plush carpets were comforting and silenced Jacqueline's footsteps.

"Look at this." She whispered entering a room at the end of the darkened corridor.

It was glorious. Plants potted all over the room two sofas in the middle and a large balcony which was shut but Jacqueline would surely open it later. She stepped around admiring the books that were shelved in several different places hidden but on full view to the reader.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now