Chapter 10

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She screamed and her blue eyes shot open. Beautiful blue eyes reflected all her pain.

Her head hurt, all the time it hurt and now she couldn't think straight. Where did she go? She remembered running out, seeing a horse near a tavern and taking it she had rode towards the coast. Hopefully trying to find William, she knew his parish was near the coast and that was where she headed. The fresh air closer to her, whipping her hair, she had arrived at his house. And now she could not remember the rest.

But now this man was sitting opposite her and it scared her. He spoke normally.

"Wake her up," Jacqueline was shaken; awaken from this beautiful dreamland she had been enclosed in, so close to being away from her husband. She didn't open her eyes and was dosed in cold water.

She groaned. Blinking she was in a darkened room, three men were in the room they helped her up. Dripping in water she glared at the men who stumbled at the anger flaring from her. “Who are you?”

"Countess Defleur,” They bowed towards her. She was confused, and then the realisation dawned on her. They knew who she was. They would either hold her for ransom or call on Dominic in hope for a reward.

What would he do afterward? He could beat her maliciously. Rape her. Have her flogged for shaming him and his household as she was officially his wife.

Twisting her engagement band she closed her eyes in pain. The wedding ceremony was coming soon. She had been dreading that. Dominic holding the official ceremony but filing in the necessary forms to have he, and she had run from his home and preparation for it too. All left was the blessing from the king and the marriage ceremony itself.

Jacqueline knew she had been foolish; of course she couldn't avoid it forever. But she had hoped to reach William in either advice or action. She wouldn't mind becoming a nun. Being raised similar to one anyway she wouldn't mind giving up possessions. She didn't need any man, he wouldn't love her. She wouldn't need him.

"We are to give you these, countess." A man about thirty handed her some rope. Why were they so tentative towards her? Dominic probably wanted to see all her pain. Taking the rope they bound her hands gently. There was a knock and a man entered.

They tightened the reigns. Most likely their master entering, she would demand he release her.

"William?" Jacqueline broke into a smile, desperate to hug her brother but she was tied up. He glanced at her and giving the men some money and dragged her out the room.

"William, let go of me!" He ignored her and pulled her into a carriage.

It was richer than anything she had seen. Even richer then Dominic's coach. She blinked twice, leaning into the plush purple cushions. There was foot rests, and Jacqueline placed her feet on if. Coated with mud, it stained the velvet of the floor.

"Jacqueline," He sighed. Flicking through his book he shut it closed and faced his sister.

"William unbound me." She snapped. Glowering at her older brother, she wasn't his captive! What was he doing?

His eyes had bags underneath. He ran his hands through his hair and looked at her. Staring at her continued to make her feel uncomfortable, but he did not stop.

Until she kicked him, hard , she kicked him hard to make her point clear. He yelped and closed his eyes, "Jacqueline those men are dangerous."

"Those men who are they?" She whispered trying to tug on the rope. "Let go of me!" She squirmed the ropes uncomfortable. "William can't you hear me ? Let go of me I have done nothing wrong."

"You idiot,"


"You are an idiot." He repeated.

"William don't talk to me like that, I am a countess you know. I'm your sister."

"You are my idiot! Jacqueline... You stupid, little girl," He sighed again the bags looking worse as he ran a hand through his hair.

"William, who may I ask are you to talk to me like this?"

"Me!" He pointed at himself. "Me Jacqueline if you haven't realised I am your elder brother, your overlord in sex," He paused. He hated being so sexist but the little brat was making him throw all his morals out the window.

He had gone to the men after a new rumour around the tavern that there was woman for sale. Intent on asking them to take her to the nun's and report the men to the police he had sworn on his holy bible to the crooks he wouldn't report them.

"And in spiritual value I serve the church, your ladyship. And do remember that your brother has refrained from beating you on all sixteen years of your life but now I will not hesitate to bend you over my lap until you cry, suffering. Begging me to stop,”

Jacqueline stayed quiet. "I bought you from those highway men, they dedicated to selling you into prostitution until I proved you were the earl's wife and my sister. I paid them handsomely for your virginity sister and I hope you will just listen to me for once Jacqueline Defleur because I am sick of it. You are a stupid, idiotic disobedient little girl and I hope your husband deals with you."

Jacqueline was stunned; she bit her lip looking at her older brother. He had never been so angry at her. His words passing through she closed her eyes trying to pass the hurt, focus on the problem. "Your bringing me back to him?"

"Of course Jacqueline what did you expect? You messed up big time. I hope he shall forgive you but I doubt that I pray for you but you disobedient little child shall sit down, keep quiet and pray for forgiveness from the almighty."

William shifted uncomfortable cursing under his breath as the carriage hit a bump, before continuing to read his book.

"William, why are you so angry?"

He sighed, looking at his sister continued to read. Trying to focus on the book he read. But who was he to judge? He was perfect by no means.

"Jac, this world is a dangerous place for a young woman I love you sister but I'm not God and neither are you. Don't try and change your fate. Trust him"

She closed her eyes and sank back into the seat. She couldn't trust anyone. Even her elder brother whom had loved her since child birth was bringing her back to that bastard. And God had made him.

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now