Chapter 26

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Dominic glared at William from across the table, sipping his soup, his eyes darted between the priest and his wife. His eyes landing on his wife.

Her smile only came alive in the presence of her brother. Of any man but him. After she had disappeared she had come back, changed and with The Marquis of Petersberg on her arm. She had curtsied low and with a beam on her face, begged for his forgiveness and a new start.

Dominic had been slient and then dismissed her to get ready for dinner. She had curtised and scurried out without a compliant. Dominic had offered the Marquis a drink, the man in return had explained he had met Jacqueline in their parlour by mistake. However, Dominic had been in there and he knew it was a lie, but he held his tongue and spoke of court security. The man talked animatedly before excusing himself to change for dinner.

Dominic would find out more about their relationship. His knowledge of his wife's connections to court was that only Thomas had been. One reason why Dominic had silently accepted his new bride and did not care of his father's choice. She was ignorant.

Satisfied that his bride was not in an affair with the Marquis at such an early stage, Dominic went to his room.

Dominic had changed for dinner, silently. His valet, Dermont, knew his master was in a foul mood and kept to his work to ire him no further. Changing him into a simple black doublet and black breeches, he perfumed him with his favourite oak scent and brushed his hair. Blond locks now dropped to his shoulders but gave a clear view of his face.

Dominic had finished after that and demanded no shaving of his face. He had gone to Jacqueline's room and took her arm. They had entered the great hall and sat down beside Francis. She had sneakily sat opposite him rather than next to and her brother was there. The priest had glared at him before kissing his siblings cheek. Dominic would of commented but then grace was said and Dominic knew he could do no more. For now.

The last time he had seen the priest, he was tired and in workman clothing. His face was pinched and he tried to mask his emotions devoting himself to his sister.

William was now wearing a rich burgundy cloth, his blond hair styled neatly showing his face to whatever woman wanted to gaze on it. Dominic growled impatiently as he smiled again. His teeth were still white unaffected by age and his chuckle.

"Your Majestic please ex-" Dominic began his excuse to leave. He wanted to ride, desperately. Court affairs bored him and he wished Francis would forward the blessing so he could return to his estate.

"Your Majesty," Dominic looked up, although not him being called he recognised the frilly little voice calling it. Lady Anna Wilson.

Her dark red locks spreading eagerly down her face, framing it whilst her pale perfected face. Her blue gown clung to every curve hip and bosom she possessed. And if it wasn't for the fact Lady Wilson was a married woman she would of been in a whore house."Please excuse me Lord DeFluer,"

She said it harmlessly but as she fluttered her eyelashes demurely the men of the court knew she was putty. Dominic growled angrily but knowing her higher position, kept his hatred. Inwardly. For now and allowed her to speak first."After you, my lady."

"Yes Duchess?" Francis asked politely. He had always a favourite for the women of his friends. Although unwed, Francis understood the ways of women. What the tone in their voices meant, the look in the eye. The choice in clothing. And for the Duchess, she was in a sombre mood.

Anna was quiet and glanced quickly at Dominic averting her eyes she focused on the king"My husband sends his good wishes and apologises for missing court. The missive says he should arrive later this week."

Jacqueline stayed quiet: She knew this was false and did not know the reason why she lied. She had saw Lord Wilson, this ladies husband on their first evening. Although, his face was covered by the hat and it looked like has been avoiding him. As soon as the king summoned him he had left the room. So what was he hiding?

Anna laughed at something someone said before a frown appeared on her face. Then she got up and bowed before the king. She looked at Jacqueline and then whispered into his ear before curtsying and leaving the room.

The dining room was now quiet but the whispers of confusion rang louder than anywords. As they always did. The servants continued to serve the food, using the candle lights to cut and plate up the finial remains of dinner.

A simple and private affair was dinner that night. The long brown dining table in Francis' private dining room was still almost full even though they had been dining for an hour. The table holding thirty guests and Francis at the head of the table

Francis rose glancing at Dominic's expressed anger."Lord DeFleur,"

"Yes sir,"

"I wish for you to visit me in my parlour later we have business to discuss,"

The table was quiet, normally the business of a king never discussed at the dinner table. Even William stopped to talking to Jacqueline which he had not been doing for the whole evening.

His sister looked beautiful in her pale pink dress. Her long brown hair had grown even further and hung low in a messy bun. Decently covered though with a cap, a lighter shade of pink and it matched the jewels which hung on her neck.

Dominic flushed slightly under the pressure of the stares and focused on finishing his food. He chewed his pie even though he knew eyes were on him.

"Dominic?" He looked up. Nodding wordlessly, he rose in respect. His uncut hair flicking in his eye, he moved it before bowing again at the king.

Francis frowning ignored the gesture and walked out. People glanced at Dominic and he sighed."Someone's in trouble lord DeFleur." Dominic looked up, Stephen Winterthorn.

One of his men, Winterthorn had a unhidden hatred of Dominic. He had not hid it at Dominic's knighting or when Francis had deployed fifty men to his control, Winterthorn included. The man obeyed him on the battlefield, meetings and everything else concerning work.

When it came to court status Winterthorn had the upperhand and it showed. He had inherited his land, unlike Dominic who had it through favour. This meant there was resentment and fear towards Dominic as well as an unsaid isolation.

Winterthorn on the otherhand, was connected and powerful. He had inherited his lands and his influence through his father's death. He had come to court and enjoyed the sex, sea and balls that came along with it. As he longued with his mistress beside him on the dinner table Dominic knew he couldn't thrash him now.

"I don't think so, my lord, " Dominic bowed at the man slightly "I will see you tomorrow." He excused himself.

Walking through the corridor of the palace he wondered how pissed off Francis would be this time. He had humiliated him in front of the whole court and if it wasn't for Francis being king he would slash his face in the upcoming fencing tournament. Dominic had forgotten about the tournament maybe he could regain his lords favour.

But then Francis' face was grim and if Dominic was a peasant he would be squeezing his hat like the little urchins who come to his door.

Smiling at that he knocked on the parlour door. Quickly opened by a servant , the door was large and brown and the only thing hiding Francis deathly glare"His lordship Lord Dominic DeFleur"

"My lord," Dominic bowed and when montioned he sat in a seat opposite Francis.

"Get out!" The servant left leaving the two men.

Author's note: Kind of a filler chapter, sorry about that. But I'm starting on the next chapter, which is better but I didn't want to delay uploading any longer. My laptops not working so I'm writing on my iPod.

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