Lindo x Human Reader pt. 1

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*reader POV*



You look up startled to find your friend Ritsuka Tachibana in front of your desk.

"Come on (Y/N) schools over let's head over to my place!"

"Oh, sure! Want to get some of those cream puffs on the way?" You say as you shove all your things and stand up from your seat.

Ritsuka eagerly grabs your hand and begins to pull you out the door. "Only if your buying!!!"

"Fine," you say in mock annoyance.

You both rush around the third floor trying to weave your way out of other departing students; when suddenly you run into Ritsuka who stopped right outside the door to the third floor library.

"What is it Ritsuka? Need to check out some books?" You say even though you really know why she stopped.

It's been nearly a month since the whole student council made an unanticipated leave of the school, and hasn't been heard since then.

Ritsuka doesn't respond to you not even when you wave your hands in front of her face.

"Ritsuka? (Y/N)? Are you two okay?" An approaching voice says.

Ritsuka turns around to acknowledge the person, but you stand facing the door rigid and unmoving.

A slight blush forms on your cheeks as you recognize the voice that spoke to you. It was the voice of the guy you've been fonding and crushing over for the past year.

It was the voice of Lindo Tachibana.

You slowly turn around and face the two cousins who seem to be having a light hearted banter.

Feeling awkward just standing there watching the two, you look for something to say.

"Uh-u-um," you start to nervously laugh. "You guys never change!"

Ritsuka stands there fuming saying how she's nothing like him, while Lindo turns to you and gives you the brightest smile you've ever seen and his blue eyes light up.

"No way, I'm nowhere near as oblivious!"

That starts a whole new round of bantering between the two cousins. And it goes on and on even as you guys head over to the Tachibana household.


Ritsuka, Lindo, and you just arrived at the small bakery near the Tachibana's house to pick up those cream puffs you promised Ritsuka.

There was a huge line when you got there but thankfully you were only several customers away from the register.

"Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom you guys!" And with that Ritsuka left you and Lindo alone in line.

The tension between you two was rising fast. Was it getting hot in here or was it just Lindo?

"Next please," says the worker behind the glass case of pastries.

"Y-yes," you say and as you step up to the counter you trip over your other foot, which you had crossed over your leg as you were waiting, and stumble and start to fall.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as you saw the ground getting closer. But before your nose could even graze the ground you were swept up into strong arms.

You open your eyes and see Lindo's face inches from yours. His blue eyes boring into you (E/C) eyes. Time was frozen and it was only him and you in that bakery, no one else could bother you.

And for a moment his eyes briefly traveled down to stare at your lips, Lindo even started moving in. And right before your lips could touch the lady at the counter says, "You gonna order something to eat, or are you gonna eat your boyfriend instead?"

Well there goes the mood.


Hey guys!!! So here's part 1 of lindo x reader

Requested by: Sakamaki_Shu

Part 2 will be posted by the end of this week so stay tuned!!!

Also I'm still accepting more request, so if you have one feel free to comment them!

Thanks for reading!

Katie Hollister

Dancing with devils ((one shot))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora