Shiki x Human Reader pt. 3

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A way out! Finally!

The only problem was that the path to get to the door and outside was blocked by all of the oddly placed loot in the room.

Better to clear this than to go and venture around the house more....

Coming to that conclusion you bent down and started moving the objects.

About five feet in you picked up a light-weight object that was neatly covered in a tarp.

Cheers to curiosity killed the cat!

You began to rip off the tarp to find a neatly kept canvas with an extravagant painting on the front side.


That's when you noticed that this painting was all too familiar.

Getting a better look at it you recognized it as one of your beloved grandfathers paintings.

"What? What on Earth is grandfather's painting doing here?!"

You looked around to spot even more of his work neatly placed around the room.

Suddenly a voice rang out behind you.

"So you are the old man's granddaughter......"

((Reader POV))

You turned around to see who had spoken, and of course it was Shiki since no one else was in this molding mansion.

You backed away from Shiki, still distrusting since the guy had tried to suffocate you earlier.

Shiki shot you a rather annoyed look and said, "Stop cowering like some measly hound. For crying out loud your expression in nauseating, and not in a good way."

Shiki walked up to you and grabbed your grandfather's painting out from your hands.

"Don't touch the old man's things."

You stood aghast as Shiki placed the painting along the wall.

"You are in no right to tell me what to do or what not to do with my grandfather's paintings! How'd they even get here anyway? They were always on display.... What say you Shiki?"

As you ranted your say Shiki merely eyed you, pondering what to say.

"Those paintings," Shiki started. "Were painted by the man who taught me to paint...."

((Play song))
((Flashback. 12 year old Shiki POV))

I was falling. Failing further and further from heaven.

I didn't do it! I didn't do it! It wasn't me!

I tried to shout out those exact words, but the wind just swept my voice away.

No one could hear me. Nor would they care if they had.

To the other angels, I was a fraud, a disgrace, scum of little worth. They took pleasure watching me fall glad that they no longer had to put up with me.

I didn't do it!

Then I collided to the hard ground of earth and saw nothing but black.

((Half an hour after shiki lost cautiousness))

When I came to, I was lying on a bed in a room unfamiliar to me.

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