Christmas Special all devil x Cassie part 1

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Hey back with another very late, to the point of it being very sad, Christmas special!!! Again sorry to those who requested these one shots and have had to wait a while to get them. :$


(Cassie's POV)

It's so hot..

Right now I was standing in the middle of a swarming crowd at a local fair waiting for my six "boyfriends" to show up. Not to mention it was well in the 90ºs.

I really should have dressed for this weather instead of trying to impress the school's hotties.

All seven of them had asked me out so I thought it was going to be a nice romantic date not a five year olds play date.

I looked at my watch.

It was 1:37 p.m.

They're late...

I was very disappointed.

I was new at school, and the whole experience was terrifying. That was until I met the six of them. They were known as our school's hotties due to the fact they were really hot (naturally). Despite their supposed bad reputation for being a nasty bunch, they made me feel welcomed. Well they did in their own way.

Especially the one with orange hair who was always presenting roses from the most random places, and a big brute-like blond who was actually a blushing sweetie. I later found out they were Urie and Mage. They became my friends along with the others since I started to their school. We had all gotten very close.

So close that I developed feelings for them some were friendship love and the others I saw as potential boyfriends. So did every girl who laid their catty eyes on them. This school was like a frickin' dating sim.

That's why when they all asked me out today I felt so special. That feeling defiantly wore off seeing as how they are not here while I am, and I'm constantly being jerked by the crowd.

I kept turning around, trying to catch a glimpse of their faces in the fleeting crowd. That when I was pushed so hard that I tumbled to the ground.

"Excuse you!" I called after the guy who bumped into me. But what he did next boiled my blood.

A paper ball flew and hit me square in the face.

He threw paper at me! Who the hell does that guy think he is.

I picked up the wad of paper and noticed there was writing on it.

Dearest Cassie,

You may think I have blown you off but I assure you I would never. Instead I am actually waiting for you. To find me all you have to do is follow the roses. Here's a hint to the first one: here is where you can get a ticket those who get there the fastest get on the quickest.

Good luck, and find me soon.
If you keep me waiting you'll have to pay the price.


You looked up stunned. They were somewhere else?

Why couldn't they have just told me this!?

You stand up and start to ponder on the hint.
Somewhere you can get a ticket.... Well that obvious, it's the ticket booth all the way at the front of the fair.

This is definitely not what I had pictured for today....

When you update and realize that this was a Christmas special from last year....... ITS ALREADY OCTOBER!

I have no excuses for how and why this update was so late.

Sorry 😰

But i came to realize something, I am better at updating shorter parts than longer ones. So I would like readers feed back on whether you guys think I should switch to shorter but more frequent chapters, or stick with longer ones that take longer?

Please let me know.

And a special thanks to my loyal readers who still read my very late and infrequent chapters.💜

Vote. Comment. Follow. And watch anime.

Katie Hollister

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