Urie x Human Reader pt. 3

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So originally I had planned this to be only two parts but it has been requested for one more chapter to be made of it, so here it is ((most of it)) and also please look after the story and read the author note! thanks for reading!



It wasn't until late that night in which you returned home. And not even on your own accord. Urie had brought you home, after spending time with you back at the green house.

And not once had you broken from your dazed state. And good riddance for Urie, he was happy that you wouldn't remember how you broke down his playboy exterior and planted yourself a home in a hurt devil that only ever wanted what he couldn't have..... true love. But Urie was saddened to, because now you'd never remember how you embraced him and spilled your heart out and let it be his for the taking.

So upon returning you home, he carried you bridal style up to your room and tucked you into your bed.

He watched you sleep and decided to take advantage of your unconscious state, and kissed you one more time. He stood up brushed out his uniform and turned to leave.

But before he made it out the door he heard you murmured, "Urie."

He was shocked. At first he had thought you had woken up. But no, you still lied in bed, sleeping soundly.

Urie looked at you and smiled.

"I believe that's the first time you've said my name (y/n)."

And with that he was gone.

And you were asleep........ dreaming of the guy with orange hair, a blindingly white uniform, an annoying smirk that you loved, and a pair of golden eyes.... full of trouble...... in which you couldn't wait to jump into and go for a ride.

((Reader POV))

You were having an amazing dream, about you and your mysterious orange-haired lover.

When all of the sudden your alarm clock sound, and woke you up.

Stupid clock! And at the good part too.......

You reached over to the nightstand beside your table to turn off the alarm. And when you looked at the time you freaked.

"7:45!?" You yelled as you threw back the covers and ran to your closet to put on your uniform.

Okay okay. Shirt check. Blazer check. Stockings check. Shoes check. Skirt check. Why do I feel like I'm missing something????

You looked around your room quickly scanning to make sure you had everything. Then you noticed on your desk laid your school bag.


You swept it off the table trying to put your stuff together. And there lying on your table was a single red rose, simple yet radient.

What is...?

You looked at the clock again.

"8:00?! I'm late!"

**********Once you finally arrived at school**************

This sucks.

You were sitting outside the office waiting for your tardy slip to be filled out and handed to you for your teachers to sign.

Dancing with devils ((one shot))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ