Christmas Special Rem x Hime part 1

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Hey guys it's time for another of my very late Christmas special one-shot request!

Sorry again for all of you who have had to wait so long. Heavy procrastinator here! :$


(( Hime POV))

It's Tonight! The dance is tonight and I haven't the slightest idea of what I'm going to wear!

Hime continued to search her closet for something suitable to wear to the dance.

Heaving a sigh she decided to go with a (F/C) flaring dress, with just the right amount of sparkle.

The dance was being held at Hime's school, 9:00.

Right now it was 8:45.

Hime ran around the house throwing things here and there, adding makeup here, more jewels there. After all was said and done it was 8:50.


Hime rushed out of her house and rushed as fast as she could in her 5 inch heels, to her car speeding towards her school.
Why does it seem like I'm lacking good luck.
By the time Hime arrived at the dance, couples had already taken to the dance floor, the food was all gone, and even worse...... It was the time for slow dances.

Hime now felt very awkward standing amongst the mass of couples getting a little intimate on the dance floor, despite it being a sweet slow song.

Why do I always come to these things?

Hime sighed, saddened by her self-awareness of being alone.

But, on this night luck tapped Hime on the shoulder.

Actually luck didn't physically tap Hime, instead a boy with soft blond hair and green eyes stood behind her.

"Hey," he said. "Party of one tonight?"

Hime looked at the guy.

"Who the heck are you?"

The boy laughed.

He has a very nice laugh... And those eyes....

"Well as I can tell that you were able to tell, I am indeed not from here. I'm a devil whose traveled many miles looking for a beauty to devour so I've rode of years on the back of my unicorn carrying Fritos and Pepsi for the journey, possibly to lure in some girls. So! You a coke or Pepsi type of girl?"

Hime stared at the boy. For a looooonnnnggggg while.

Now it was her turn to laugh.

Hime laughed and laughed, to the point people were staring at her.

Not that she noticed but the DJ turned up the song to drown out her roaring laughter.

"What the heck was that?!?!?!"

"A horrible excuse," said the boy. "I'm a dance-crasher."

So he's not from here, it's a shame he seems like a great guy.

The song I have been playing ended, and then came another slow song.

Great. If I have to see anymore of this dirty slow dancing I'm going to hurl.

It was then Hime noticed that the boy had his hand extended to her.

"So Ms. Party for one, will you dance with this party-crashing devil?"

Hime chuckled and took his hand.

"Might as well, I'd feel bad to kill your ego by turning you down."

Rem chuckled as well and said, "Ah, but it's not just my ego you'd kill...."

As they took to the floor Hime asked, "What else then?"

Rem only shrugged.

"I wouldn't know."

That night the two danced and danced and danced, the whole experience was almost to good to be true. It was nothing short of a fairytale.

It was all bliss, until the mysterious boy had to leave.

Hime told him, begged him to stay.

But he could not.

When Hime began to tear the boy took her hands, placed something inside, and kissed the tops.

"You'll see me again."

And as he walked away Hime called out, "WHEN?"

The boy continued to walk away but Hime swears, to this day, the boy held up three fingers.

But what did three mean?

Three seconds?
Three minutes?
Three hours?
Three days?
Three weeks?
Three years?

Hime didn't like to ponder on how long it would take, but every night she dreamed of what it would be like to see the mysterious boy again.

Yay! Here's another Christmas special in the process of finishing!

I hoped you liked it, I'm rather looking foreword to finishing it.🙂

Now it's very late, and I'm very tired.

So goodnight to all my readers.

And please......

Vote. Comment. And follow.

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