Chapter 22

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Sami didn't really expect a response from Radia, but he really hoped for one. He didn't know what he would do if Radia responded. Should he pursue her and tell his family about her? Her friend did say she was interested in him and judging by the amount he was thinking about her, he concluded he was interested too.

Ya Allah, help me. I don't know what to do. He thought about all the possibilities that could come from this unlikely meeting. There was one outcome which he hoped for most, but he tried not to dwell on it too much in case things didn't work out.

In the end, after much thinking, Sami made a deal with himself. If Radia didn't reply to his email, he'd just forget the whole thing even though he didn't want to. But if Radia did email back, which Sami had his hopes high for, he'd ask someone to help him with how he should handle matters. Perhaps he'd seek help from the teacher who had originally recommended Radia to him.

It wasn't long before he got his response. It was less than two hours after he'd sent the email. Grinning to himself, he opened the email.


I'm sorry I ran off the way I did. I had a stall to tend to and I was afraid of how you'd respond after rambling in such an embarrassing manner. But I'm glad I did and that I got a response to see what really happened after that eventful meeting. It's another eye-opener to the amazing way Allah has our lives planned out for us. Things which may seem negative to our limited minds can result in something far better than we'd ever have imagined. Allah's mercy upon us is endless, if only we could open our eyes to it.

Sami paused, reading the words over. He looked up towards the ceiling. Ya Allah, is this your way of telling me she could be the one? She knew exactly the kind of thing to say to draw me in. Is she the one you created for me? The smile wouldn't leave Sami's face. Something deep in his heart told him that this could really be it. He could just feel it from her words which reminded him of Allah. Wasn't that the most important thing to look for in a spouse?

Again, I'm rambling. Sorry. Conclusion is, I'm glad you responded and that things are working out for you, alhamdulillah. And good luck with your next meeting with a potential. I do believe my father had a point though it came out kind of wrong. And I pray you find someone good for your sister, in'sha'Allah. I'll recommend someone if I see anyone worthy.

Radia Irfan.

He could sense the balance in her personality. Someone who would keep him on the right path but also someone he could laugh with and talk to. If he was unsure before, he was certain now that he wanted to get to know more about her. He prayed he'd be able to meet his old Arabic teacher soon to get help in the process. He felt a little saddened that he couldn't turn to his father instead.

The next day, when he was done teaching his students at the masjid and had prayed Isha, he approached his old teacher after spotting him just before he left. Another prayer answered as Sami wasn't certain he'd see the teacher any time soon. He wasn't his student anymore so they only ran in to each other every now and then. Ya Allah, is this another sign? Sami asked, unable to shake the feeling of hope and amusement at himself.

"Asalamu'alaykum," Sami said, holding out his hand to shake the teacher's.

"Wa'alaykumusalaam!" He replied, giving Sami a firm handshake. "It's been so long. How are you?"

"Good, alhamdulillah. Very good. What about you?"

"Good to hear that. And I've been fine, alhamdulillah."

"Ustadh, I know you like people getting straight to the point with you so do you mind if I ask you something?"

"You know me well," Sami's teacher said with a little laugh. "Yes, please do."

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