Chapter 25

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The meeting Radia had with Sami's father went pretty simple. Sami was afraid for a moment when Uncle Irfan asked Sami's father why he seemed uninterested in Sami's life. He responded that he trusted Sami enough to know that he wouldn't make a mistake.

Now that the awkward meeting was out of the way, wedding shopping had started. For this, Sami had insisted that he didn't want anything to do with the venues and colour schemes. As long as it was halaal, he was happy. The only thing he wanted to be involved in was hiring a decent car and picking out his own suit because he didn't trust anyone else.

Sami: What coloured suit should I get?

Manahil: I thought you didn't want any help with that.

Radia: Wait, I thought you were going to wear a thobe!

Manahil: See, I told you Radia likes thobes. Wear a thobe!

Sami: But isn't that a bit casual?

Radia: Match it with a kufiya.(1)

Manahil: YES!

Sami: Will I be able to pull that off?

Radia: Of course!

Sami: But that's like what Arabs wear every day.

Radia: Rich guys wear suits every day.

Sami: Fair point.

Manahil: So we're going ahead with the thobe thing?

Sami: I guess so.

Manahil: Why is it when I told you to wear a thobe, you never listened. Now that Radia's saying it, you're agreeing to wear it.

Radia: Maybe he just needed convincing from two people.

Sami: Yeah, maybe Radia's right.

Manahil: Okay.

Sami: I'm still finding it difficult to process this is actually happening.

Radia: You should have seen me that day when Dad came home and said things were going ahead. Actually, on second thoughts, I'm glad you didn't see me. The squeal that came from finally processing all this was deafening. Sadia can attest to that.

Sami: Which sister is that?

Radia: Second oldest.

Sami: I don't think I'll ever know their names properly. I just know they all end in 'adia'.

Radia: Haha, I know. You just have to learn the first letter of their names. Though, I do think there should have been a 'h' or a 'y' somewhere in Madia's name.

Manahil: I think we're going off topic here.

Radia: What's the topic?

Manahil: We were talking about the wedding. You two talk too friendly to each other and it's worrying me.

Sami: Well, it has been decided that we're going to get married so isn't this a good thing?

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