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A Thug's Temptation - Epilogue

Two years later...

Milan yawned as she held Keshuana in her arms. The new born baby was so beautiful, looking like her mom.

She pulled down her shirt before Shuana latched onto her nipple. She put the blanket over the baby's head, covering her breast as she sat in the back yard of Zaniah's birthday party while Champy took her heels off her swollen feet. Yep, she was pregnant again. Her and Zane were popping out babies every year.

She watched as Zaniah ripped open the presents while Zane and Champy held ZJ and watched. Kids were running around everywhere giving Milan a headache.

"Hey." Kayla said as she sat down next to Milan, bouncing her one-year-old on her knee while her husband, Raymond, stood next to her.

"Wh-" Milan was about to say something when she felt warm breath tickling her ear.

She turned around and smiled at Keshuan as he grinned back up at her. He licked his lips as he took a seat beside her and lifted the blanket for only him to see as he watched his baby girl drink the milk from her mothers breast. He moved his thumb across her cheek as he smiled down at her. Keshuana let go of Milan's nipple and looked up to her daddy showing her gums.

"Where were you?" Milan asked as she pulled her shirt back up and moved the blanket so Suan could pick up his daughter.

"Jerking off." He said as Milan punched him in the arm.

"I'm serious." She said as he chuckled and put Keshuana on his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I fell asleep in the livin' room." He said as he wiped his tired eyes as she shook her head, "but I had a dream about you but it was more of a memory."

"....and what was I doing in that dream?" Milan asked as she gave her full attention to Suan.

"It was about how we met." He said as he remembered shooting Houston in the arm before security rushed in and the police took him and Alana downtown. Before they went to jail for attempted murder and got twenty-five to life. He thanked god that he was about to jump in front of his wife fast enough and thanked him again that he didn't take off his bullet-proof vest.

Milan put her forehead against Suan's before she moved her hand over his hair, where he had cut his dreads off.

She couldn't be happier that she survived through her four month coma and thanked him for being there with her every step of the way. Seeing him when she woke up made her realize how short life is.

She didn't keep a grudge with her dead parents, she forgave them the day she got out of the hospital. She even visited their grave just to have a conversation with them.

She didn't stop seeing Keshuan because of what he was doing, it didn't change who he was inside. She did make sure he put her and her unborn first the day she found out she was pregnant, thirteen months ago.

"I love you." She whispered as she put her lips against his.

"I love you too." He said as he kissed her back before Champy's voice broke them apart.

"Y'all can't be getting freaky at my baby shower!" She shouted as Milan chuckled.

She looked to her left to see Kayla gone but Honey and her fiancé, Amahn.

Her belly was still a little small at three months and she was as emotional as it gets but Milan was happy her best friend was happy.

Everybody was poppin' out babies and soon they would have a whole class of them running around since everybody was pregnant.

A Thug's Temptation #2Where stories live. Discover now