Robin's Love (Teen Titans)

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This is taken from my account on Quotev, and i thought i would share it on here, please enjoy

Well this is an interesting new City...very pretty, peaceful I thought as i layed down in the soft green grass at a beautiful park in Jump City. Anyways my name is Cascade, well Cascade is my "fake name" my real name is Jess, but i really do hate that name, i mean come on its a BOY name. For now, thats all you need to know, my name maybe some day you'll find out more about me, some day

"HELP!!! Ahhh somebody please HELP!" well that ruined the peace and quiet...cliche hero call huh? well it's good enough for me, I'm not letting any innocent person get hurt.

Without a second thought i jumped up from the position i was laying in and ran to the source of the sound. Surpisingly I turned to see a huge monster made of cement blocks? What kind of city is this? i was expecting some scrawny kid robbing and old lady not a full blown MONSTER. I watched in horror as his block fists swung down aiming at the mother and child cowering, trying to avoid getting hurt. Robber or Monster i can still take him down.

"Hey BlockHead! leave them alone!" I shouted, jumping up to face him, with that said the fight started.

*punch-Kick-block-duck-punch* jeez cement head is tough...*well Jess you have alot more power than that just simple punches and kicks arn't going to do anything* I have no other choice, even if it means becoming the city freak. Barley missing another hit i focused on calling water towards me, i created a huge tidal wave and smacked CinderBlock with it. I felt my power getting weaker and weaker as my power drained from my body he advanced faster and faster towards me, i was too tired to do anything i guess, this is the end, ashamed i cowered waiting for the final blow. But it never came...?

Instead I opened my eyes to see a masked boy, im guessing about my age looking down at me craddling me away from CinderBlock.

"You ok?" Mystery boy asked sounding very conncered
"umm....Yeah wha-" i started to say
"YO Robin we could use your help!" yelled a voice somewhere behind me
"Stay Here" im guessing, Robin said well more like ordered

All i could do was lie there in the same spot he gently put me down in. I was too powerless to do anything else. I watched in awe as Robin and four other teenagers fight and take down CementHead. After a few mintues he was being taken to jail. Well Jess dont just lie there, try to stand up, my brain was yelling at me, willing my body to obey. Shakily I tried to stand up and started falling back down, bracing myself for the impact of the cold ground but it never came, once again i was in the arms of Robin.

"Errmm...hi!" i said lamely
"hey" he said smirking as he put me back on solid ground "Titians we have to take her back to the tower!"

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