Chapter 4

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"so explain why your all bluey on the inside?" BeastBoy said breaking the tense silence

I toke a deep breath i can do this, i mean these people saved me from possible death, they wont shun me. Well atleast i hope not.

"ok, well i was about 10, my mother was a scientist and a pretty extreme one...she did tests on kids, tests on living things...i grew up watching her experiment on people, well one day my mom toke me to a huge pool of water underground, she told me that it had magical powers something like that...then she pushed me in, almost drowning me when she finally let me out of the water, i was different my eyes turned a deep dark blue, soon she turned me into one of her experiments she would inject me with weird colored liquids, i got sick of it, sick of being a lab rat when i was 13 i broke out of the jail i was forced to call home and lived on the streets, i figured out that i had werid powers over water, i could control it, then i decided to help people, i've lived many places but i always had to leaven eventurally because my mother always found me and tried to take me back, so thats why i can't stay here very long, i can't have a home i always have to stay on the move..." i finished looking up to see sympethic faces

"wow you have a crazy mother..." BeastBoy said while Cyborg slapped him upside the head "sorry but its true"
"oh i know its fine..." i said
"You can't leave! this can be your home, we'll protect you and we can train you and maybe you can join the teen titans" Robin said looking sad "you don't have to always be moving" he said lightly
"thanks guys, but you barely know me, I barley know me! my mother changed me DNA i still don't if i have any other powers, and what will a time bomb" i said sadly knowing  i would have to leave soon
"I know a thing or two about uncontrollable powers....AND family don't have to leave" Raven said speaking up surpisingly i smiled
"maybe just a night..."
"oh and Cascade whats your real name" raven said smirking at me
"what do you mean.." crap crap crap i already let out a huge secret please just let me use my fake prefered name!
"Raven can read your mind if she wishes, there is no use lying to her" Starfire budded in
" real name is Jess but please please call me Cascade i hate my real name"
"Jess...thats a pretty name" I heard Robin quietly say to himself

I guess there's another secret out, woah wait Robin said my real name was pretty! wait don't get all excited about that he was just being nice, calm down Jess.

"Oh Raven please dont go in my mind ever again, please and thank you." i said looking at Raven
"I won't unless its necissary." she said not even looking up from her book
"So Jess" Cyborg starting to say until i glared at him "I mean Cascade! were going to have a training session tomorrow at Noon would you like to join us?" Cryborg said looking over to Robin "She can join us right?"
"sure" me and robin said at the same time

i started yawning, so much happened to day i mean...i got attacked by a monster called CinderBlock, i was saved by a handsome boy, i mean random boy not handsome! well he is...ok well i got attacked i got saved, i told five people i just met my biggest secret, they even know my real name! i was asked to train with them, and possibly join their team, jeez i did a lot in one day, i guess its time to go to bed, i suddenly realized how tired i was, I started curling up on the couch.

"Im calling it a day goodnight guys" Cyborg said followed by yeahs, and goodnights, i was almost alseep until.
"Your not sleeping there!" Robin said waking me up
"why...?" i asked annoyed
"its a couch not a bed here come on i'll show you to the guest room"
"Noooo im comforable" i said as i was being lifted into Robins arms FOR THE HUNDRETH TIME, "robin you really don't have to carry me everywhere!"
"maybe i want to" was all he said

He carried me down a few hallways and to an empty room, he finally put me down.
"Goodnight Jess" he said smirking
"Cascade, and goodnight Robin, thank you for saving me today"
"anytime, and please consider joining the Teen Titans?"
"maybe i'll think about it." i said as the door opened to my room for the night
"and promise me you won't run away tonight" he said
"haha sure robin i promise..." i said as the door closed behind me the second i fell on the bed i was out like a light.

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