Part 44

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  Jessie's P.O.V

Everything was foggy, I think I was being carried? No floating? Hovering?
My eyes felt like miniature cinderblocks were sitting on my lids
And there was a ringing noise I my ears
Other than that I could feel the cool air around me, but I didn't feel anything on my back, I could smell a familiar musk around me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Don't touch her Star!" I heard a gruff voice say to my right, or maybe to my left?
"OH I apologize greatly, but Robin when is she going to wake up?" said a high pitched panicked voice nearby
"She needs to gather up enough strength, I don't know how long it will be until she will wake up" A monotone voice said, "You two, I don't mean to be rude, but i'm going to try some healing spells and I need to concentrate"
"Robin you can see her tomorrow, trust me"
I heard footsteps walk away and a door slam, then it was almost like my senses turned off and I was lost once again.

Raven's P.O.V.

Jessie still hasn't recovered, She's been out for 3 months. In that time the whole team hasn't operated as one, whenever we would get trouble we would send tag team of 3 or 4 to handle it. Robin has been so distant lately, he's still the leader but he rarely get out in the field. Usually its Cyborg, BeastBoy, and StarFire who go out and handles things. I've been doing healing spells, and Robin always spends at most 6 hours at her bedside, that or he'll be locked up in his room. I know she'll wake up soon, I can feel it.

I spread out the materials around me, of various spices and oils and placed them in a circle.
"Zinthos, Zinthos, Azerath, Metrion, Azerath" I kept chanting that pattern for a good 10 minutes concentrating with my eyes closes, focusing on healing my sister.

Jessie's P.O.V.

I could feel it, warmth and a voice, one I recognized but again I couldn't place. Argh this is so frustrating, I would really love to wake up again. Where ever I am I have no sense of time, I have no clue what's a minute, and hour or a day. Wake up, Jessie Wake up! I willed myself so hard to open my eyes or to move my numb fingers, Something!
It felt like I was digging myself out of my own grave. But my eyes finally opened, just to have myself quickly shut them with the bright light above my head.
"mrghh" I groaned putting my hand over my eyes
"Jessie!" Said a very surprised voice, "its Raven, how do you feel?' She said quickly composing herself
"R-Raven? yeah I think I do, what the hell happened I feel like I was pulverized by cinderblock 500 times"
"its good you still have your sense of humor, let me explain what happened, you risked your life to save mine and gave me my memories back once trigon toke over the world. You've been in a coma like state for 3 months"
"3 months??? your kidding right? but i remember everything that happened up until I fainted down in that hell hole, with Robin, Robin! where is he?" I asked swinging my legs around the bed
"What are you doing? you can't move!" Raven yelled pushing me down
"um yeah I can." Wiggling my finger at her
"just wait here, theres some things we have to go over" she said grimily as she left me.

I looked down, I lost a lot of weight, i guess not eating for 3 months really make you slim down, I could see my collar bones and my arms were like spaghetti, Yeah i was always small but not this small. I was dressed in a simple navy blue robe, obviously one of Ravens, and a loose black dress. Not following Ravens orders I got out of bed and stood up, almost falling down instantly, I guess i should expect to have much strength after sleeping for 60 some days.
"JESSIE!" i heard a roar of my teammates fighting to get though the door, BeastBoy easily got though by changing into a mouse.
"I'm so happy to see you!" he said tearing up hugging my tightly around my neck
"glad to see you awake finally" Cyborg said wrapping a mechanical arm around me
"Friend! you have recovered" the familiar voice of starfire said hovering nearby waiting for her turn to hug me
"I'm happy I'm back, not to be rude or anything, but where's Robin?" I asked pulling away from the back breaking hug of starfire
"He's out somewhere, his motorcycle is gone" Raven said calmly
"He does this often, he'll be back later tonight probably" Cyborg said
"Yeah he's just out beating up some street thugs, like really beating them up." BeastBoy said
"should we try to contact him?" Star said leading us to the living room

Nothing has really changed, everything looks the same. I'm so glad I'm back, reunited with my friends, The thought of seeing Robin again makes me so happy, but also nervous, what if in those 3 months he decided he doesn't want me anymore?

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