Chapter 14

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When i was back in the living room i made myself some tea and sat down on the couch, and watch cyborg kick beastboys but at video games. Robin walked into the room and plopped down next to me, VERY close to me. this is so confusing i don't even want to get involved with Robin if he really is Stars boyfriend i don't want to interfer because 1 star scares me when shes mad and 2 if Robin is the player type, i will not get played. So i just stood up and walked to my room, i heard footsteps follow me, i turned around expecting Robin but instead i saw the glowing eyes of starfire....

"ummm....hi?" i asked
"do yo wish to have Robin for yourself? do you think you can just Steal him?" Star yelled at me
"I don't know what your talking about...?" i asked scared she was going to burn me to a crisp
"oh you don't, since you got here Robin as had the case of the feelings for you!"
"how is that my fault?" i was seriously getting annoyed with her
"you did nothing to prevent it!"

ok she was starting to piss me off, she can't tell me what to do and she doesn't own Robin, so what if he has feelings for me if hes really her boyfriend it shouldn't matter! "Ok listen Star, you don't Own Robin! hell i don't even know if hes your boyfriend!" i said, the second i said that i regreted it her face turned sad, but then it turned to anger
"he is mine" she said and chucked a starbolt at me which i barley doged
"HE IS NOBODYS!" i screamed seriously getting angered remember, your powers are controled by emotions, i need to calm down and not get too angry
"what is all this yelling about" Raven said walking towards us, i just realized we were right infront of her door
"just some petty little fight, i don't want anything to do with..." i said as i walked into my room and slamed the door, i heard star applogize to raven for the noise and then walk off. a few seconds later, Raven was knocking on my door

"yes?" i asked
"explain." she demanded
"theres nothing too explain" i said as i was going to shut the door, when raven forced it to stay open
"remember i can read your emotions, and yours right now are saying anger, and jealousy, explain" i sighed and reluctently opened to door for her to come in
"Star think im stealing Robin, and shes jealous because he has feelings for me" i said
"Star is extremely over protective of Robin, shes kinda in love with him"
"well shit, i don't want to hurt her but i can't help it if Robin likes me!" i said
"Robins not the only one with feelings..." Raven said
"what do you mean"
"Jess, im not stupid, you like him a lot, its very easy to read" Raven said using me real name
"Cascade, and i do not"
"then why can he call you by your real name, cascade?" Raven said smirking
"because i can't get him to stop!" i said
"admit it you like him, and he likes you"
"Star says hes her boyfriend" i said looking down
"hes not, sometimes its hard to get things through to Star, she likes to believe whatever makes her happy" Raven said "i would just go for it" then she left my room leaving me alone with my feelings

ok yes i do like Robin, but its nothing more than a small crush...right? damn, i know im wrong its way more than some small like schoolgirl crush, i like him a whole lot, he saved me, hes a leader, he cute, sexy, his smirk, i wonder what his eyes look like...anyways i can't do this to Star, i barley know her but Robin and her have history i'm brand new i feel wrong if i hurt them...but i don't know if Robin even likes her...after all he almost kissed was getting late, maybe i should just go to bed, of course that didn't happen, my stomach growled i skipped lunch so i walked back into the living room and made myself a sandwich, and thats when stupid Robin had to come in.

"hey Jess whatca making?" he asked, nobody else was in the room im guessing everyone else when to bed or are just chilling in his room
"sandwhich...Robin can i ask you something?"
"yeah sure, whats up?"
"are you and" i asked
"NO, no no no no, why did she say anything to you?"
"no, no i was just wondering..."
"um...ok because, well, like me and Star.... i know she likes me and well i used to like flirt and stuff, but i don't feel the same way and she still likes me but i don't like her anymore, but i do like someone else" he said, i swear i felt my heart skip a beat, the look on his was so adorable, it was a cross between surpise he even adimited he liked someone, and relief
"ok good becasue....yeah i just wanted to know"
"Jess...I-i'm happy you joined the team"
"me too"
"don't go anywhere promise?"
"haha i promise" i said i realized i was traped between the kitchen counter and Robin
"Jess...." he muttered as he leaned closer and closer, without realizing it i was leaning into our lips barley grazed when the lights flickered on Robin naturally got really embarressed and Jumped away from me, i was frozen to the spot
"Hey guys scary movie marathon whos in?" Cyborg said while BeastBoy ran in after him
"no thanks I'm going to bed" Robin grumbled and took my hand inicated for me to follow him
"yeah me too goodnight guys!" i said and walked behind Robin

Awkward silence was all i heard when he walked me to my room
"so i guess this is goodnight" i said when we aproached my door
"yeppp....goodnight" Robin said very shyly
"yeah night" i said as i was about to close the door, when Robin's foot blocked it
"night" he said as he quickly leaned in a kissed me on the cheek, he pulled back smirking, my face im sure was as red as a tomato, as i quickly closed my door and fell on my bed

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