Chapter 16

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"my reall name is, Dick Grayson.....My parents died when i was eight, my family and I we were acrobats, pretty successful, we had a show called the flying Gryasons, it was really popular because we prformed everything without a net." he spoke quietly and sadly

"Robin you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, seriously if you want to keep this to yourself i'm not forcing you to tell" i said sofly

"i want too, anyways my parents died during one of their acts, the string was cut and they fell, at my parents funeral which Bruce Wayne paid for, Bruce talked to me and offered to take me in, i agreed of course i had no where else to go, so after a few weeks of me living in Wayne's house i started to realize he was never there for dinner, i barley saw him, one day i was up late and saw Alfred open a secret passage way, I was curious so i followed him in, thats when i discovered Bruces secret, Bruce Wayne was Batman, and at the time he was going after the man who killed my parents, I wanting to go with him and bring the person responsible to jusice myself, but he refused to let me go with him, I didn't follow orders very well and went after him, that night i changed my name to Robin and starting wearing the mask..."

"i'm sorry Dick..." i said not really knowing what to even say

"its fine really, soon i became Batman's partner and helped him fight crime, then he made me joing this thing called Young Justice, a team full of young aprentinces, i ended up quiting it after a year, so now I'm here leader of the Teen Titans, and please just call me Robin?" he said looking sad but his eyes were happy as if he was so relieved to tell someone this secret

"ok Robin, i am really sorry for pushing the matter..." i said

"Its fine i don't need sympathy it made me who i am, all that had to happen to get me to where i am now" he said strongly smiling at me, all sadness gone

"so how many people know your secret?"

"well Bruce, Barbra who was batgirl, kid flash, the enitrie Justice Leauge, thats about it and of couse Alfred and now you" he said smirking

"well i got another secret i just found out about myself yesterday"

"spill" he said sounding more like his age then ever

"well, me and Raven are related somehow, i'm from her home Azerath, and my mother infused our DNAs also i can read emotions" i said smiling, "oh and i might be part angel..." i said becoming a bit shy

"part angel....well thats no surpise" Robin said looking down at me

"how old are you anyways?" i asked stumbling through the words, why does this boy make me so damn nervous

"16 why?"

"you act like a adult" i said

"thats the price to pay when you have to stop evil" he said smirking once again

"jeez i never want to become like a mini adult-no offense" I said

"sometimes i wish i was a normal teenage boy but then i think, nahhh i'm cool" he said smiling

"well your pretty close" i said up at him and he was looking right back at me...



our faces were just about 5cms apart now, no words were said for a while

"can I?" he asked like a gentlemen, i slowly nodded and felt his hands cup the sides of my face, now the build up to a kiss is really the best thing ever, it innocent and sweet, and full of tension, it was honestly a magical moment, My eyes closed and his soft lips desended upon mine, at first i was shocked, i don't really know what to do, so i just went on insinct, i just wraped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, i felt his hands move from my cheeks to my waist as he kissed me more deeply, this was my first real kiss, and i was perfect, kissing Robin felt right, our lips moved in perfect sync.

*Ding and just in time me and Robin jumped away from each other, i was blushing scarlet red, and he was smiling like a little kid, i turned to see StarFire and the rest of the team on the roof getting ready for training

"ummm....guys its 11:30 training starts at 12" Robin said nervously

"i am of aware Robin but the team was so egar to train we decided to start early" StarFire said over peppy, i turned and looked at the rest of the team BeastBoy was grumplily glaring at StarFire, and Cyborg was rubbing his grumbiling stomach, Raven just gave me a knowing look, GET OUT OF MY BRAIN WOMAN! i yelled at her in my mind

*i wasn't in your brain its written all over your face, you and Robin just kissed* she said to me through our link

*what? no! we were just talking and yeah we didn't kiss!*

*Jess your face is as red as tomatos and you keep on looking over at him, you guys just kissed* she said, frustrated i ended our brain conversation and tuned into the converstation that was accually going on

"StarFires thats not the point! when i say training is at noon, its at noon!" Robin shouted at Star jeez i missed a lot

"oh so thats the point not just because you wanted to talk to Cascade privetly?" Star yelled back

"whats wrong with talking to Jess? YOUR NOT MY MOTHER STAR" Robin exploded on her

"WELL AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND! I HAVE A SAY WHO YOU TALK TO!" StarFire yelled the enitre team encluding me had shocked look on our face, robin said nothing was going on...

"IM NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND I NEVER WAS WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT" Robin screamed at her, Starfires face fell and she stopped floating and ran back into the elevator and headed back into the tower, Robins heated look acended on us now "what?" he said irrated

"dude you didn't have to be that hard on her" BeastBoy said softly

"yeah man, you know how fragile she is" Cyborg said

"argh! i know what did i just do! i just wanted for her to understand that I'm not her boyfriend and i was never, and will never be her boyfriend" Robin said regret filling his voice

"heres an idea go appologize to her, now" Raven said protectivly over star

Robin looked at me for a mintue looking ashamed of himself for hurting star, he looked sad and broken i hated seeing him like that, i just nodded telling him its ok you can go talk to Star i'll be fine.

"trainings canceled for today, i'm going to go find her" he said turning away, but looking back at me before he got to the elevator

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