Chapter 17

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obins P.O.V

how could i be so stupid! i shouldn't have yelled at StarFire, i should know how fragile she is! god im such a idiot! She needs to know that i don't like her like that but there must have been a better way to let her know, instead i made a big public scene infront of the enitre team, i acted like a jerk and i know it, Shes special to me, not like a lovey dovey way but like a little sister i don't want to see her get hurt, even though im the one causing her pain...
I was standing along infront of StarFires room i could hear her crying....i'm not good with feelings, i don't know how to be comforting...well first time for everything right..? god this is going to be difficult, softly i knocked on her door, no answer

"Star can i talk to you?" i asked trying my best to sound understanding
"i am not in the mood for the talking" she said through her tears, hesitantly i pulled the door open
" really sorry i didn't mean to yell at you..." i said as i awkwardly sat down on her bed, i don't know how to comfort a girl...
"it is not the yelling that has hurt me." she said quietly
"Star" i said moving closer to her "you need to understand, that we....we weren't really sorry but i didn't feel the same way, I-I really didn't want you to get hurt, I should have made it clearer..." i said not knowing what to say i mean cut me some slack i was brought up by Batman the king of talking and feelings (note the sarcasm) 
"then why Robin, why did you so the feeling of affection when you never ment it"
"I-I Don't know i, do care about you, but not in that way....I really messed up didn't I?" i said haning my head, why do i hurt everyone i care about?
"yes Robin, you did do the messsing of the up...can i just be alone for a while?" star said looking a bit more angry than sad
I just nodded and walked out, looking back at the girl i just made cry, and left...

My entire team must think i'm some sort of monster now...well i don't blame them i am, i can't get attached to anyting, and i hurt everyone in the long run, maybe i should just leave Jump City the others can handle the criminals, but i can't just adanon them i would miss them too much and hopefully they would miss me too..and HOLY CRAP i just kissed Jess! there a bigger mess, i like her alot, she makes me want to be just a normal boy so i could date her, go out places together, and not worry about villans or somebody hurting her, and above all else i told her my biggest secret! I'm glad i did but i never never never thought i would ever trust somebody that must to tell them my past, and here comes Jess with her stupid perfect hair, and face, and lips, and eyes, and i hate the affect she has on me, i makes me too mushy gushy, my gaurd isn't up and thats dangerous, i just opened up my heart to a girl i only met 3 days ago...maybe she can control minds too? Stuck in my thoughts i didn't realize my footsteps were leading me up to the roof, just my luck nobody is up here exept the one that makes my head spin, and my heart beat out of my chest, damn her, damn it Jess i have no idea how you make me feel so strongly about you when you just walked into my life a few days ago....

"hey Robin" she said without turning around
"hey" i said walking towards her and sitting down next to her on the edge of the roof
"....hows Star?" she asked shyly
"not good, i ruined everyting" i said as i turned to face her, i swear my heart is never going to get used to seeing her face, it always skips a beat
"im sure its ok, StarFires strong she'll get over it" she said as she took my hand, instantly i felt a shock go through my whole arm, just like everytime she touched me
"I hope...the team must hate me" i said still grumpy as i played with her fingers
"Robin, they don't hate you! i don't think anyone could, their just worried about Star and you, according to them you don't usally yell like that..."
"I try not to yell i don't want them to be afraid of me" i said "i bet your afraid of me too" i said looking down at our hands intertwined
"no, im not, your not that scary" Jess said giggling slightly  "and besides if i was i would do this" before i could react her soft lips met mine and then left them "see not scared at all" she said smiling, i couldn't help but smile back

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