Part 42

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  "Slade, were ready for you!" Robin said as we approached the outside of the tower to find Slade.
"Give me the girl" He ordered
"Ha in your sick dreams!" I yelled growing angry, preparing sharped icicles just for him.
"You don't really have a choice in the matter i'm taking her"
"Over my dead body" I growled as i threw the icicles at him, "Argh!" I grunted as i ran towards him
"Attack!" Slade ordered these fire minions to do, as soon as he created them
"Move!" Robin yelled before he came flying towards slade with his staff barley missing my head, Robin got a few good punches in before slade fireblasted him

It was a losing battle everytime we would hit or destroy one of the fire things another one would just reappear, and now Slade had his fire powers, it was a whole new strategy. Cyborg powered down the tower for one last blast, it drained him completely, when the smoke cleared it looked like we won, but Slade was still standing, he rose even more Fire Demons and everything seemed hopeless. In seconds i watched as my whole team wrestled against the Fire Demons who held him. I was the only one who wasnt captured, yet.
"Slade, Let them go!" I yelled as i dropped down and kicked him right in the face.
"Stupid girl, you won't win, Raven has already given up theres nothing you can do" Slade said walking towards me
"What's Trigon promised you? he's a liar Slade, hes using you and we'll all end up dead eiather way" I yelled growing angrier and angrier
"Do you really want to spend your last day fighting?" Slade said tauntily
"Its not her last day and its not mine eiather." Robin shouted from his restraints
"oh really?" Slade said bring fire around me engulfing me in a circle of fire, "I'll say she has maybe 5 minutes until she dehydrates, such a shame" Slade said making the flames hotter
"STOP" said the voice of Raven and the flames immediately evaporated.
"Raven no" I said groggily trying to catch my breath, as i watched her walk up to slade
"I'll go with you" She said
"no we won't let him take you!" Robin said running inbetween them
"I can't hide from my destiny any longer" Raven said grimly
" Raven! theres other options if you would just listen to me!" I yelled running towards her, "Please you can't"
"Shut up Jessie!" Raven said raising her hand and shocking all of us with her magic. "Goodbye be safe"

I woke up with the rest of the team knocked out, oh god this is bad really really bad, i didn't believe this until now, i never thought. how could Raven give up like that we were willing to help, to fight, and she just surrenders and knocks up all out?
"Robin, Robin wake up!" I said shaking him, "this is really not the time, wake up!" I yelled hitting him in the face
"Raven..." He muttered rubbing his temples
"Is gone, shes gone with Slade" I said noticing the team is waking up as well
"All we were trying to do is help here" BeastBoy said rubbing his head
"I fear it is too late to much of helping" Starfire said
"Its never too late" Robin said
"Shes making her way back to the old library" Cyborg said reading the tracer
"lets go" Robin said taking off

please don't be too late.
When we got there I saw her walking towards the Hand where the portal takes place.
"Raven Stop!" I screamed, flying over to her past my team fighting the fire demons
"No Jess it has to be this way"
"NO it doesn't You've always had good in you, you don't have to become this" I pleaded
"Yes it does it has already begun" She said stopping the fire demons from attacking as the rest of the team walked up to us
"Your willing to give up everything, just because of some prophecy you heard as a child? What if its wrong?" Robin said
"Robin i know what i know"
"I don't except that, your choices are your choice you can make this all stop" Robin said
"I've known my entire life what i was born to do, i've tried to do as many good things as possible to make up for what i know is going to come, its my destiny" Raven said
"Nobody knows their destiny" Robin said
"I do but i didn't know i would meet such great people and have such wonderful friends, and even find a sister, I wanted your day to be perfect but instead you spent it worrying about me" Raven said
"thats what friends do" Robin said taking my sisters hand...
"Then as friends you have to let me go" Raven said moving back and creating a wall
"NO" I yelled as i quickly jumped though the wall before i could become solid
"Jesse Get Out Of Here" Raven said seriously
"no" I said following her up the stairs to the hand
"The ritual will destroy you, the wall is to keep them alive, you need to go back, please you'll die" Raven said taking my hand
"were sisters, whatever you do i'll be with you"
"GO!" Raven screamed, creating a protective bubble around me before i could stop it

I watched sadly as my sister recited the prophecy and allow Trigon to rein on earth, the Blast blew away the bubble and sent my flying, all i felt was extreme heat.  

  Robin's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of down town, with a massive headache. This is my fault, i'm leader, i could have found a better way, now everythings ruined. I thought as i walked down the abandoned and wrecked streets of Jump City.
"These are innocent people." I said to myself looking at the many civilians that were turned to stone, my fault. Wheres the rest of the team?
"Who's there?" I asked looking around hearing a creaking sound to come face to face with a Raven, could this accually be... Raven? As i got closer to the bird it started to fly away making me chase after this.

What could have happened to my team?

Jess's P.O.V.

Argh where am I? I thought as i pushed a rock off my stomach....Where's my team and...OH my god! the City! I thought finally taking in my surroundings, eveything was burnt building crumbled, street lamps melted, and people...the people were turned to stone. I started running down the main avenue.
"I'm so sorry" I whispered looking at all the innocent people, families, children who where now turned to stone because i couldn't help my sister. There has to be some way to reverse this, a spell? maybe or...who am i kidding we need Raven

Sadly i crouched down and sat on a nearby sidewalk, this is hopeless, the team can't defeat a full on demon, if i even have a team anymore, do you think they survived the explosion? I really hope so. OK so city in ruins, i'm alone as far as i can tell, i have no idea of what became of my team, or my sister, and theres a demon on the lose threating the world, where the hell is the justice league when you need them? I guess I should investigate, the thought as i started to create an Ice hover board and fly above the city ruins.

After flying around for a while I thought i saw the low blue glow of Cyborgs suit
"Guys?" I yelled hoping my eyes arn't deceiving me
"Cass! good i'm glad we found you!" Cyborg yelled waving me down to them, while...StarFire was hugging Robin who looking very uncomforable
"BeastBoy!" I yelled seeing a green bird fly down to us
"I saw something down there,something lead me here" Robin said still blushing a little bit from StarFire's hug...
"It lead us all here" Cyborg said
"Almost all of us" BeastBoy said looking sad
"Theres no one else here, all the people are turned to stone, were the only survivors" I said moving away from the group
"How is it that we survived"
"Raven, she did something to us, i remember back at the tower before we passed out i heard her say be safe she did something to protect us" Robin said pacing
"But whats the point theres nothing left" Cyborg said
"Raven wouldn't have kept us alive unless she believe that somehow someway we could stop this, where still here and theirs still something to stop Trigon, Us!" I said finally feeling hopeful
"For Raven" Robin said putting in his hand causing us all to follow suit

When all our hands touched it felt like electricity ran through all of us causing us all to jump back
"Ok that felt weird" Cyborg stated
"Raven may not have been able to stop trigon from coming but she did give us a way to fight him" Robin said holding a ball of energy
"she gave us some of her power" I said
"and it grows stronger when we stand together" Starfire said happiliy
"Okay Raven's power all comes from emotion, so the more we feel the stronger we will be" I said growing the flame bigger in my hand, "ready to kick some demon butt?" I asked pointing towards Trigon sitting on top of Titians Tower
"Hey that our home!" BeastBoy said
"Then get angry about it" Robin said going into battle mode planning our attack

"Stand up and fight!" Robin yelled at Trigon
"Insignificant insects" Trigon said refusing to get up
"Join hands where hitting him hard!" I ordered holding Robins and BeastBoys hands, feeling a tight squeeze from Robin
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos" We chanted watching out power hit Trigon
"You may think its clever to attack while i'm still gaining my strength but not even a gift from my daughter will help you now, Your efforts are useless, Be Gone" Trigon said as a wave of power sent us all flying back  

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