Chapter 2

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Robin's P.O.V.

It was just another normal day in Titans Tower, Cyborg was yelling at Beast Boy for doing something stupid, Raven was getting annoyed, Star was oblivious to everything and in her little happiness bubble, and I was just sitting back on the couch watching my friends, and teammates. The room flashed red, meaning trouble, as always i rushed to the computer to see who was attacking the city with my team huddled behind me. Cinderblock again, seriously how does he break out of jail that easily?

"CinderBlock, Titans Go!" I yelled out while running out the door

Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire all huddled into the T car while I got to ride on my personal R cycle, When we got to the location i saw CinderBlock looming over a helpless girl, fists ready to strike down and kill her! without even thinking or remembering to yell 'titans go' i rushed to save the girl CinderBlock was heading for.

*wow shes light* i thought as i scooped her up in my arms, protecting her from the cement fist barley missing us, just in time too. When i looked down my eyes widned as i felt my breath catch in my throat. This girl was beautiful, she had dark black hair and a pretty pale face, she was skinny and light and had on light blue jeans and a ripped up grey tee shirt. I had to stop myself from gasping when she opened her eyes to look up at me, her eyes were a dark blue like the ocean, jeez robin stop gushing!

"You Ok?"i managed to say
"Umm...yeah whaa-" she started to say but was cut off my cyborg yelling at me
"YO Robin we could use your help!"
"Stay here" i ordered while i gently layed her down on the sidewalk away from the fight behind us.

I ran out to help the rest of the team beat CinderBlock which didn't take much time, every once in a while i looked over my shoulder to check on the mysterious girl watching us. When the fight was finally over i mummbled to Starfire to call the police and looked back to girl. She started to stand up, but seemed to weak to stand on her own, she started to fall back again, losing her balance, on instinct i ran over to her to catch her once again.

"Errmm..Hi?" she said looking up at me
"Hey" i said fighting to keep the smirk from creeping up on my face as i put her back on her feet, "Titans we have to take her back to the tower!"

"Helllooooo! do i have a say in this?" she asked still sitting on the ground
"i would say not" Raven said behind us

She tried to stand again but stumbled a bit as her pretty face twisted in pain. Easily i picked her up again and walked with her in my arms towards the vehicales with the team.

Normal P.O.V.

Again i'm being carried...oh well thats just jolly good, note the sarcasm. Robin's friends started to swarm around me introducing themselves to me.

"Hiya! my name is BeastBoy! if you've noticed im green hehe pretty cool huh? but thats not even the coolest thing i can change into any animal I want hehe." BeastBoy rushed out not even taking a breath, he started chaning into random animals

"Greetings Mysterious girl we just saved! my name is Starfire I am not from this planet you call earth my home planet is called Tamerain (no clue how to spell) i hope to become very very very very close friends!" the over peppy girl said well more like yelled, and attempted to hug me, but luckily robin saved me from that.

"Names Cyborg, half human, half robot nice to meet ya!" Cyborg said with a huge smile on his face

"Hi my names Raven, i don't do Introductions" said a girl with purple hair and a red dimond on her forehead, she was covered up in some dark blue robe.

"Well you've met the teammates my names Robin i'm the leader of this Team we call ourselves the Teen Titans so who are you?" Robin asked i could feel his heartbeat quicked and his voice vibrate through his chest as he talked, but he had to ask the dreaded question 'Who are you?'
can i trust these people?

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