Chapter 12

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Robin's P.O.V  (i haven't done one of these in a while its just going to be a short section of his feelings)

So, we got a new Teammate and she is definatily one to remember, she is beautiful and powerful, her name is Jess. The first time i saw her i knew she was something special, i was a gut feeling, like my natural insinct. I made her promise to stay for the night, now she'll be staying here, shes and offical Titan and i couldn't be happier, except the fact that theres one little problem...Starfire.

Really its my falut, i flirted with Star before i even knew Jess existed, i knew Starfire likes me a lot, its ovious. The point is i wish i was more careful with Star, shes not from around here and now shes coming on way to creepy strong. Honestly i never really had feelings for her, i just thought she was pretty and i was stupid and pretty jerkish, i was just for fun, i didn't think i was going to mean anything, and besides i wasn't like hardcore flirting with Star just lightly but she toke it to a whole new level and became attached and stalkerish..

But Jess...shes so fun, shes not power crazy, but she not helpless eiather, shes cute, her smile, her laugh, also she is so tiny, like seriously i'm not very tall but shes really short, and skinny, and pretty and OK Robin remember the one cruiail fact is that your main focus is to protect your city, not fall in love, not get a girl, protect the city.

When we were fighting Control Freak i was off my game...and it was Jess's fault, shes too distracting, i felt bad for being harsh to her but i needed to focus, fighting crime is not the time for romance...but then again since when was i good at figuring out my emotions, hell I don't even know how to express them, the only side of me my team has seen is determinded robin, the leader, the cool, calm, and collected, they've never seen me be hoplessly in love, this pathetic, I'VE never seen myself as anything other than the leader, i don't know how to be romantic, or all mushy gushy,and i don't need to be because I'm Robin, the leader, i just need to see Jess as just another teammate, like Raven and Star they're both pretty but i don't think of them like that, i just need to just see Jess as pretty, not beautiful, not sexy, just innocent little Jess......Theres no way this is going to work...

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