Part 41

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  "Robin! you have returned!" exclaimed the high happy voice of StarFire the second we made it to the living room. I watched as the alien girl ran over to hug my boyfriend, oh whatever now is not the time to get jealous.
"Nice to have you back you wouldn't believe what happened while your were away" BeastBoy said leading us to the couch, but Raven caught my eye.

I walked over to her leaving Robin's Side and watched as the rest of the team huddled near the couch to talk about what happened while the two of us were gone.
"Raven are you ok?" I asked noticing she looked even paler than usual
"lets just say a lot happened since you two left, the end is coming" She said as she lead me to her room
"like how soon is the end??" I asked while we walked to her room
"wait are you serious?"
"Why would i joke about it! we only have a day to prepare" Raven said going through all her books, "I'll cover spells, potions, and sorcery, you look though symbols, runes, and mystic arts" Raven said handing me a pile of books
"what is this supposed to do?" I asked flipping though the pages
"Anything, loopholes, spells, incantations, anything" Raven said not looking up

I sighed as i hurried though the pages, I can't believe this is happening, tomorrow Trigon is supposed to rise and come to earth, that means fire, death, the end of the world, I stayed confident that we could handle it until now. I mean the Six of us defeated so many monsters i thought we surly could defeat one demon, but now i'm worried, the nightmares have been more vivid and hearing its suppossed to be tomorrow? Tomorrow is going to be our last day on earth.

 Raven's P.O.V

I had troubles falling asleep last night, but evetually i dozed off i guess. Jess and I stayed up late looking through all my old scrolls and text, nothing we couldn't find a loop hole anythere. my fate has been sealed. I woke up in a cold sweat and was shocked awake by my arms and legs glowing with the mark of Scath, even though i knew this day would come it still came as a horrible shock to me.
"No" I whispered closing my eyes realizing it was the worlds last day, my friends last day.

I need time to think, time alone, i want my friends last day to be special i can't tell them, i don't want their last day to be filled with worry and dread, this will be a secret and Jess better keep it as well. I hurried up to the roof knowing i would get to see the sun rise, for the last time.
"What are you doing up so early?" Said the voice of Robin from behind me as i quickly covered my legs and arms so her wouldn't see the glowing symbols
"I could as you the same thing" I said looking back slighly but keep my eyes glued to the sunrise
"I love sunrises, The promise of a new day, anythings possible" Robin said standing near the edge
"Are you always this cheery in the morning?" I asked the guilt of knowing what to come ruining any possibility of a good mood
"Pretty much, Also it gives me time to think, Jess would never wake up this early so we always get to watch sunsets, sunrises are kinda my thing for alone time"
"Yeah, me and her stayed up pretty late i wouldn't expect her to be up anytime soon, hey you hungry?" I asked forcing a light smile

So Robin and I walked down to the kitchen, and i started making Pancakes the best i could, Soon StarFire, BB, and Cyborg were up, but no sign of Jess. Cooking is harder than i thought, as i flipped a pancake over my shoulder trusting Robin would catch it.
"Uh..Nice Flip" Robin said behind me
"morning Pancakes?" I said turning around with a plate full of huge pancakes
"um. thanks?" Best Boy said confused
"What is the Occasion?" StarFire asked
"Can't i just do something nice for my friends?" I said
"Um.. yeah but" Cyborg started looking suspicious
"you never have before" BeastBoy finished bluntly

Way to Ruin my already bad mood
"Guess there's a first time for everything!" BeastBoy said hurriedly as he grabbed a plate
I watched my friends all take a bite, StarFire was the only one who liked them, I felt embarrassed was i really that bad of a cook?
"Hey guys don't you think its nice of Raven to make us breakfast?" Robin said trying and failing to sound like he enjoyed them
"Even though the girl has no clue how to cook" Cyborg said under his breath but I could here him. "Oops did i say that out loud, YUM"

Then Starfire said some weird stuff about how good they where while pouring Mustard on them, glad i can make someone happy.
"I better go wake up Jess" Robin said leaving his food untouched as he left walking down the hall towards me sisters room

"How long have Robin and Jess been ya know...together?" BeastBoy asked handing StarFire the pancakes
"7 months and 28 Days" StarFire said quickly shoving food in her mouth
"Woah how did you know that?" Cyborg asked
"Don't Friends keep friends dates and time periods for other friends?" StarFire asked confused
"no its fine, its..uh, normal" BeastBoy said

"Hey guys sorry what did i miss?" I heard a groggily voice that can be identified as Jess's Morning voice
"Just some great pancakes" BeastBoy said smiling
"dang is there any left?" Jess said oblivious
"OH no um StarFire already called dibs on them" Robin said taking her by the shoulders and moving her away
"So, um i was thinking maybe after breakfast we could all hang out of something?" I asked trying my best to smile
"yeah right after i change" Jess said
"It'll have to wait" Robin said holding his communicator and Running out with the rest of the team in tow

please don't be slade please dont be slade 

  Jess's P.O.V.

Me and Robin flew in on a ice sheet i made and approached a big pimple looking monster, ooooooooo scary.
"Argh" Robin grunted as he threw his disk things as i started to freeze his feet so he couldn't move as the rest of the team attacked him
"Put down the Tank you big glob of goo, Titans Go!" Robin yelled as i finished freezing him, god sometimes he can be so corny

Robin went flying towards a wall, luckily Raven saved him just in time, Cyborg beat him up crashed him thew three buildings, just to get eaten by him and got rescused by star and they both came out covered in glue, beastboy was covered in Snot, and I was throwing Ice shards at him trying to gain height so i can kick him in the face. Just as i was about to drop down a smack him I heard Raven say
"Get out of the way Jess, lets just finish this" Raven said, "Azarth Metion Zinthos" and she completely destroyed it
"Um...Nice Work Raven" Robin said leaning on me, I think he hurt his ankle
"who wants pizza?" Raven said smiling again, of Course i knew why she was going out of her way to make everyone happy

After a few minutes we were all fighting over the last slice of pizza
"I deserve i last slice, I was covered in Goo" Cyborg argued
"wait dude i totally deserve the last slice, i was sneezed on" BeastBoy exclaimed
"I had to fly threw the goo, the slice in mine" StarFire said slaming her fist on the table and covering the slice in mustard

Soon we were all walking towards the park, another one of Raven's Idea, me and Robin trailed behind, i really couldn't keep this secret much longer...
"Robin can i tell you something?" I said lowering my voice
"Yeah of course what is it?"
" see Ravens been acting different today because"
"DUDE" BeastBoy yelled cutting me off, "Find a penny pick it up...uh...something something good luck!, Its my lucky day"
"Anyone up for a game of extreme Stank ball?" Cyborg suggested
"Yeah sure" Raven said shocking everyone
"I'll tell you later" I whisperer in Robins ear
"but you hate everything extreme...of stanky" BeastBoy said wigging a finger at Raven
"Maybe, I never gave it a try"
"Raven would you care to acompany me in the art of painting the toe nails with me later?" StarFire asked
"Sounds like fun"
"Okay Raven gives, Pancakes, pizza, stank ball, toe nails?" Robin said leaving my side
"Yeah and she hasn't called me stupid yet today" BeastBoy added in, "did someone replace raven with a raven robot?"
"I just wanted everyone to have a nice day today, come on we have a lot to do before sunset" Raven said moving away
"Raven...I think" I started but was silenced with a glare, then the sun got covered by the moon, was this really happening?

Raven started moaning and glowing, crap crap
"whats happening?" BeastBoy said
"Raven?" Robin said running over as she fainted, "why didn't you tell us?" He said holding her head up, "its happening isnt it?" Robin said looking over to me, i just nodded
"Please raven today is the day? it is?" Starfire said
"The end of the world" Raven whisped as a few tears escaped her eyes

We hurried Raven back to the tower and lead her to a room in the back of the main hallway though very high security
"Ok everyone just as we planned" Robin said walking ahead
"Where are you taking me?" Raven's voice sounded terrified
"you told us there was nothing we could do, we don't agree so we've been preparing for this day ever since Jess told me about the situation" Robin said opening us the chamber me and Cyborg designed
"you told them?" Raven said sounding semi upset
"I had to Raven, we prepared a highly secure room, with magic i learned from your book and Cybog's technology nobody can get in" I said, "i'm sorry but this is the only thing i could think of"
"You guys did all this for me?" raven said sounding shocked as Robin opened the door
"were ready to take on Trigon" Robin said his voice full of determination
"No, you cant be, just go save yourselves" Raven said
"Were not giving up and neither are you, Raven you are the portal, trigon needs you to take over the earth" Robin said
"and if Trigon can't get you he can't take over the earth" Cyborg said
"all we have to do, is keep Trigon from you" I said
"you can't"
"we will" Robin said narrowing his eyes

We all said our good lucks to Raven and informed her the protection of the room, and told her we would be watching above to monitor, BeastBoy even gave her his lucky penny. We all stood above watching her making sure she was ok
"Robin, If this really is the end of the world.." I started
"You know its not" Robin said
"Ok well if it is...I love you" I whispered hugging him tightly tears threating to fall
"I-I love you too" He said hugging me back tighter and closer, "Its going to be okay" He said as we hugged in the back of the room

"Everythings looking good" Cyborg said
"yep just your typical last day on earth" beastBoy joked
"Its nobodys last day" Robin said tightening his grip on my waist
"Robin is everything going to okay?" StarFire asked
"I hope so" Robin said sounding almost doutful as i leaned into him more
"guys we got company" Cyborg said reading the monitors  

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