Chapter 29

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"Cascade? Cascade please wake up?" i heard a raspy voice say, "come on please, i really need your help right now..." i opened one eye and glared at Raven who somehow someway is in my room at 5:00am, "your up?"

"now i am." i said gumpily

"sorry but i need you to come to my room i think i found something, something bad" Raven said already heading towards my door

"what is it?" i asked upon walking into Ravens room

"here look at this" Raven said handing me a ancient scoll, it said

a journy for one and one only

will await the gem of azarth

thus the portal will be opened

bring forth darkness once again

the mark of scath will dominate

and the gem will oblivate

"Raven...i know your the gem and all, but this can't really happen, right?"

"it can and it will, Jess the end of the world is going to happen and its all because of me!" Raven said sadly

"Raven, Raven listen to me...its not your fault" i said hugging her

"it is i was born to do this it was my soul purpose to destroy the world, and i'm the portal who bring all the destruction, all the terror, everything!"

"listen to me, your not a bad person! you will never be a bad person, even if your father pays us a visit we can and will defeat him, when i first joined i was told i can't let my fear for my mother keep me from being happy, Raven you can't let the fear of what you might become keep your from enjoying life"

"Robin told you that didn't he?"

" did you know?" i asked curious

"it sounds like something he would say, plus your face light up just by the thought of him" Raven said looking at me, "you care a lot for him don't you?"

"how ovious is it?"

"Pretty ovious, but Robin's worse hes completly lovestuck" Raven said smiling a little bit

"i wouldn't say that....but seriously Raven we'll get through this all of us together" i said smiling back

"oh no...don't you start talking like him too"

"I do not talk like him!"

"yes you do! you've been around him so much your talking and becoming more Robinish!"

"what about you and BeastBoy its ovious that you like him!" i said teasing my...sister? cousin? whatever

"no i don't..." Raven said blushing a bit

"sure, beacause the metion of his name doesn't make you blush huh?"

"Oh shut up" Raven said laughing

Me and Raven became so much closer since i joined, first i have her DNA in me! second we realate to each other so well, and we both have very similar personalities, I really love it when she opens up to me and we talk, its nice to have someone who might understand you more than you understand yourself, i realized it was already 6:00 we spent an hour talking about Beastboy and Robin. Me and Raven decided to meditate a little bit before everyone else woke up, we sat down and chanted together and relaxed. That didn't last long soon the rooms lights turned red and started flashing, Trouble

"who is it this time?" i said when i entered the living room and say the entire team gathered around the computer

"it doesn't say but theres a report about missing chemicals from Star Labs downtown, Titans Go!" Robin yelled as we all rushed to the location, it was close enough to get there on foot

"no" i said not believing my eyes

"ooooohhhh the marvalous Teen Titans! i was wondering when you would show up, i'm here to collect my little experiment if you don't mind" said the high pitched voice of the wrost person imanginable. my mother.

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