Chapter 25

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"So where exactly are we going?" I asked Robin shyly
"I-I Don't really know....I know to find the true master we need to go to the other side of the world...and near montains" Robin said speeding up slightly
"well, if were going all the way around the world we need a faster way than just the R-Cycle..." i stated
"any sugestions?"
"I don't have the money" Robin said, "theres one other choice..." i felt him tense
"which is...?"
"Batman." Robin said sternly driving faster, "were heading to Gotham"

The ride was long and quiet, Robin is really a talker, but it wasn't an awkward silence it was a peaceful quiet. We stopped somewhere quick for Dinner and then headed back on the road, after a few more hours we were finally there.
"Welcome to Gotham" Robin said quietly
"are you ok?" i asked tightining my grip on his waist
"yeah i second we need to stop somewhere before we get in the city." Robin said making a sharp left, in a few mintues we ended up in a old apartment building, Robin kicked open the door and walked in he lead me up a few floors and then said, "theres a bathroom over there if you want to freshen up..." Robin said awakardly as he pulled out a bundle of normal looking clothes, i got the hint and went to the bathroom

I opened up the small bag i brought with me, i didn't have much when the titans toke me in i had nothing, just the clothes on my body, Star took me shopping so i have an extra set of clothes, quickly i changed into a pair of gray leggins, and a light blue hoddie, and a black leather jacket, then i put on my high boots and slowly opened the door to see Robin looking at himself in the mirror looking sad...

"im ready..." i said as i packed my ratty old clothes in the small bag, when i looked up at Robin i swear my heart skipped a beat, no mask, this is the first time i've ever seen him without  a mask, his eyes were....beautiful, they were a light color of blue just a few shades lighter than mine, "wow" i stupidly said covering my mouth quickly
"haha i could say the same thing where did you get that outfit?" Robin asked
"Star toke me shopping a few days ago..." i said still staring at his eyes
"aroudn town you need to call me Dick, well until we get to the batcave" still all serious
"were going to the batcave?!?! do i get to meet Batman????" i asked excitedly just to see Robin i mean Dick smirk at my exciteness
"yes you do" he said stuffing his uniform in his bag, "but i have to warn you, that he might not like the fact that you know my identity hes very secrative so because i told you mine you can easily figure out his, he won't like that..."Dick said grimicing
"but hey its nothing to worry about" he said putting his arm around me, "other than that he will love you" he said looking in my eyes and for once i could look back at his, he leaned in a quickly pecked me on the lips and walked to his R Cycle which was transformed to look like just a plain black mortor cycle, i pouted as i sat down behind him. I hate when he does that, just gives me little irrates me.

Soon we were at the BatCave, well we were in the basement of Bruce Waynes mansion, Robin went in first and told me to wait there for a while, naturally i didn't follow orders and snuck in after him and hid behind a large pole

"Batman" i heard Robin say getting Batmans attention
"Dick! what are you doing here?"
"i need to borrow something"
"and that is...?"
"can i drive the BatMobile? I need it for a mission and i need to get there soon."
"no. you can't drive!"
"yes i can im 16 I can drive!"
"Sixteen isn't the age to drive, it is the age to learn how to drive, and the BatMobile is a complicated machine."
"fine then you have to drive me to the other side of the world." Robin said angrily
"i'm not dropping everything to drive you somewhere"
"I don't get what the big deal is, you let me drive a rocket, a motor cycle, fight villians, but i can't drive a fancy car?" Robin said losing his temper
"I said no."
I heard Robin mumble something and walked back towards the pole i was hiding behind
"i told you to stay there" Robin wispered
"since when have i listened?" i said back
"whos you friend Dick?" i heard Batman say
"super hearing?" i asked
"no you just can't wisper." Robin said and pulled me out to face Batman
"umm...hi" i said waving a little
"Batman this is Jess, Jess this is Batman" Robin said hopefully, Batman scowled, "ok this is Jess, shes my...Girlfriend, and she knows, and we need the Batmobile to get to where we need to." Robin said
"she knows?"
"yes she does" i said speaking up, "and my names Cascade" i said elbowing Robin, "and listen i'm not going to blab about your secret, i promise" smiling trying to lighten the mood
"Master Bruce Dinner is ready" said a bultler, "Master Bruce you really do need to imform me when we have Master Grayson and a guest, by the way Madam my name is Alfred"
"come on we'll talk about this after dinner, alone." said Batman looking at me intently

Dinner was...tense, i could tell Batman didn't like me, or just didn't like the fact that i knew his big secret, the food was great though, Dick was holding my had next to me while we ate which gave me some comfort, there was not talking, well i guess i know where Robin get his 'sparkiling talkative personality from' after we ate Batman pulled Robin aside which left me awkwardly moving to sit in the living room....

"Come on Jess were leaving" Dick said walked towards me taking my hand, "and were taking the Batmobile"he said smiling
"really how did you get him to let you?"
"secret" robin said smirking, as we walked down to the BatCave to see Batman standing near the car
"ok now remeber, this is the break, don't go past 75mph, don't speed, don't touch any of the buttons other than the ingition, don't break anything, don't crash, and above all don't get a scratch on it at all" Batman said pointing at various things
"i got it ok? thanks again" Dick said accually smiling at Bruce, i could sense the strong feelings between them, Bruce was Dicks family, he told him in  and taught him all he knows.
"Be Careful, and Cascade...nice meeting you" Bruce said accually smiling at me
"thank you, nice meeting you" i said smiling back as Robin started the car and drove off waving at Batman as we left, the time was catching up to me as i yawned loudly, to hear Robin laugh
"tired?" he asked taking my hand in his
"noooo" i said as another yawn escaped
"get some sleep its going to be a long drive"
"well you need to sleep sometime" i said stubbornly
"i'll be fine" he said squeezing my hand, i could feel my eyelids closing slowly even though i tried to keep them open and stay awake, "im really glad you agreeded to come with me Jess" I heard Robin say quietly as i feel into a peaceful sleep

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