Chapter 34

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silly girl, your irrelevent, you don't play a part is this game
the end of the world is out of your hands, its all Raven
you have nothing to do with this
you just have to stay alive
but when this is all over and I have played my part
you will be mine once again
you can't run from me
after all, i created you 

"NO!" i yelled as i woke up from my horrible nightmare, last night after Robin walked me to my room, i fell asleep and my dream was terryfying, my mother was fighting my the whole world was consumed in flames my friends were all turned to stone, except for Robin, he was still alive but just barley my mother had him in a flame cage just like how slade had me trapped, and Robin was dying slowly.

so this is your special friend huh?
i kept him safe just for you
would you like to say your goodbye?

in my dream i staggered towards Robin as he weakly held his head up
too late, such a pity
my mother said as i watched Robin burn to a crisp infront of me at the hands of my mother, it was a horrible dream
"just a dream, just a dream, nothing happen i'm still here in the tower, and Robin's safe in his room, just a dream" i mumbled to myself as i toke deep breaths in trying to calm myself down, it was just a dream

I was sweating and my bed covers were wrapped all around me, wrapped tightly around my neck as if they were going to strangle me, and my mothers voice...I hate dreams like this, I'm still shaken from the dream, i slowly got up and untangled myself from my sheets.
"Cascade?" Ravens voice said through the door, I jumped in surpise
"um...yeah?" i said, i can't get that dream out of my mind
"i heard you scream, im coming in" Raven warned as my door bursted open with black energy, "What happen?"
"j-just a nightmare n-nothing big" i said cursing myself for stumbling
"yeah i've been having those recently" Raven said thoughtfully looking at my celing
"Raven, you need to tell them what the Mark means, Robin's going crazy and i feel horriable for not telling them"
"Just give me time, i'll let them know....somehow"
"do it soon." i ordered forgetting all about my dream, and slowly getting irratated, she can't keep putting us all in danger because shes afraid of being rejected, we wouldn't do that to her anyways!
"Jess its not the easy, you don't understand all of it"
"What don't i understand Raven? i know what the mark means i know your destiny what else do i need to know, what else are you hiding from me? your going to be a portal yada yada yadda trigon's going to come destroy the world, and were going to fix it, but the team can't fix it if you don't tell them what the mark means!" i yelled losing me paticence, i saw Raven take a deep breath obviously trying to contol her emotions
"its not that simple." She said her voice going up an octave
"Why though? Why are things never simple with you, your always this secretive dark gloomy girl, why can't things ever be simple with you!" i yelled loudly, i saw her face change quickly then revert back to normal, oh no what did i just do.
"Because." She said as she walked out of my room

I instanstly started to feel guilty i just hurt Raven, I should know better, shes sensitve about the whole dark gloomy thing she tells me all the time! how could i have been so stupid angrly i punched the wall next to me which resulted in me clutching my bleeding knuckles, great, just great. The day was starting it was 10:00 i should really get out of my room and talk to the team, i've been sulking in my room for the last hour. Reluctently i got up and brushed through my hair, i was already is my costume, i got into a habit of always being dressed for danger, damn being on this team has made me paranoid! Slowly i walked into the living room where the team was gathered around Robin who was at the computer.

"wow guys thanks for inviting me" i said sarcasticly, all i got was silence back, glad they have a sense of humor...the lights started flicking red
"Slade." I heard Robin growl out as we all looked up at the tracer on the map of the city, this can't be good.
The location was close enough to run too, I was lagging behind, i was never the fastest runner ever. When we got to Slade he was setting building on fire.
"I do love my job" i heard Slade say as he started creating fireballs, but Cyborg blasted him first.
"Vandlisem? i'd say you hit an all new low Slade" Robin said angrily
"the Teen Titans nice of you to drop by, but as you can see im in the middle of something, I'll deal with you in a few minutes" Slade said
"No we'll deal with you now" Robin said
"you can't always get what you wan't Robin" Slade teased
"I already have all i could want" Robin said quietly to no one in particular, Slade through a fireball at us,"Titans split up and take him down!" Robin said as he ran ahead going after Slade

I quickly started to pour some water on the flames to try to distinguish them, they just burned brighter
"Cas! stop focusing on the flames! this whole block is already slated for demoliton" Cyborg yelled at me as he dodged a falling pole
"Got it!" i yelled back as i focused on finding Slade and taking him down.
I found Robin and Slade fighting and overheard Slade tormenting Robin about the symbol
"How many sleepless nights have you had trying to recover its secrets? well let me put you at ease, its called the Mark of Scath and its about to become very popular."
"What are you planning." Robin said not making it sound like a question more like an order
"im not planning anything im simply providing a valuable pubic service" Slade said as he kicked Robin's feet making him fall to the ground
"Slade. Whatever he promised you, your not going to get it" I said quietly so only he could hear me
"What do you know about the matter little girl?"
"More than everyone thinks, aleast i know you can't fight fire with fire" i said as I slashed him with water
"Clever one." he said tauntinly, "but fire can disinagrate water." He said and quickly shot a ball of flames towards me making me crash into a nearby wall.

Flames were all around me, i don't know much about my power but i know that Fire is the direct oppisite of Water and having fire all around me is not a good sign. I could feel my powers leaving me as i started to sweat, My powers are based off of water and if fire dehydrates me, i'm screwed, i could feel my body temperature rise up. I faintly saw a Red and Green blob running towards me. "help" I whispered as i colasped, I felt better somehow but i wasn't fully there yet, i could heard Robin, he must have saved me from burning to death, I was being held tightly by Robin as he moved out of the way of flaming debris
"Titans! do you read me?" I heard Robin say briefly
"I read you but i can't see you" I heard Cyborg's voice throught he communicator
"I see you all...and something else" Starfire's worried voice popped in through the device
"We need to get out of these flames, Jess is hurt BeastBoy fly up and get us" Robin ordered
"argh" i said quietly still dizzy
"Jess! hold on BeastBoy's on his way to get us out of the flames"
"" i said embaressed i can't even speak in full sentences, I heard Robin's laugh
"yeah fire did make you weaker" Robin said still concered but he seemed to be teasing me slightly

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