∆"What is with boys and smirking?"∆

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Arianna's POV

Tring-Ring !

Oh, how I love being woken up in the morning by my amazing alarm clock. Please do note the sarcasm.

I tried getting up and face-planted myself onto the marble floor. I get up and stumbled to the washroom before taking a bath. After cleaning myself, I put on an Adidas trefoil crop top, a pair of capris and my favorite Nike juvenate sneakers.

I grabbed my iPhone and plugged in my earphones. I don't exactly love jogging, but I have to as I was advised to go for jogging in the morning back in London. I hummed along to the lyrics of Centuries by Fall out Boy, as I jog down the streets.


My butt came in contact with the hard stone pavement. ''Oww !" I shrieked. These pavements could be really hard at times. I think there might be a 6- foot wound on my butt. After all, my butt is the smoothest to find.

TMI, man, TMI.

I looked up to see a boy with brown hair swept to a side. He had brown eyes that bore into mine and he wore a black- t-shirt that showed off his abs, but the most important fact; he was fucking smirking at me. I could care less about how hot he was. All that I cared about right now was that I was on the ground all because of some fucktard.

"Aren't you going to help me up, mister?" I asked him, cocking one of my eyebrows up. He smirked and looked at me with pure amusement. Not gonna lie, he looked even hotter. If that was possible.

"Well, I thought that I might as well do it after you finished checking me out," he replied calmly and smirked at me again. I glared at him and contemplated if I should give him a kick in the privates or maybe even a hit to the head.

Ugh. What is with boys and smirking?

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him, making his smirk widen. I got up from the ground and stood up. Glaring at him once again, I was about to lecture him when a familiar voice called out.

''Austin !'' A familiar voice yelled out.

I saw Chase running up to, who I assume is, Austin. He was followed by three other boys that I could tell were his friends. My jaw almost dropped. All of them looked worthy enough to be the face of Hollister, with their quiffed up hair and devilishly handsome faces.

"Oh, hey there Ari," Chase greeted, with a nod of his head while smiling at me.

"Hey Chase..." I replied back, frowning a bit. Austin scowled at our little exchange and looked back and forth between us.

"Wait, you know this person?" Austin asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Er- Yeah. She is my neighbor who just recently moved in,'' Chase replied with a shrug when he caught the confusion written on Austin's face.

"Wow. Seems like you got a real hot neighbor," commented Austin with another smirk on his face. He just whispered it to Chase but I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard him with his obnoxious voice.

"Hey, I heard that !" I snapped back at him. He just shrugged and rolled his eyes that made me want to slap his face. To be honest, I'm beyond flattered he finds me hot. So, I decided to let it go and searched for my earphones. I picked them and my iPhone which were on the ground.

"Anyway bye, Chase. I gotta go. I'll see ya later," I spoke while turning back to head back home.

"Okay, bye," Chase replied and walked in the opposite direction.


As I jogged back home, I happened to see Maria at her front door, pacing up and down nervously. "Hey Maria!" I said cheerfully, jogging upto her. She snapped her gaze to me and managed to smile back.

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