∆ A trip down memory lane∆

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Austin's P.O.V

At last I finally did it. After waiting for 10 long years, I finally did it. I had kissed the girl whom I had a crush on since I was 8. The first time that I had met her, was when we were 8. I doubt she remembers me, but I clearly remember her and that day.

''Mom, do we have to attend this party ?'', I whined.

''Yes, Austin. It's compulsory for me to attend. It wont be all that bad, considering there might be someone for you to play with.'', she says and puts on her diamond necklace.

''Really, mommy ?''


She takes my hand and leads me to the car, where dad was seated opposite the wheel. She climbed into the passenger seat, and me in the back. I fasten my seatbelt and observe the scenery around. After sometime we reached a fancy hotel. I was told that we were to be attending a party organized by a Mr.Byrnes who was daddy's boss. My mom takes my hand and leads us to the entrance. I search all around for my dad, to see him chatting with a guy in a suit.I run towards him and stay at his side. I noticed that he had a pretty daughter, with short brown wavy hair. She looked at me and giggled, extending her arm.

''Arianna'', she said in her cute little voice. I shook hands with her and told her my name. I saw both the men deep in conversation and took the opportunity to grab her arm. I lead her to the garden, where I saw many other kids playing. She dragged an anti-social me along with her to the group of kids. We played numerous games and the best part was when she laughed. It was like sweet music to my ears, When it was dawn, it was time to head home.

''You're my best friend, Austy'', and with that she hugged me. That was the most cherished moment of my childhood with her.

I snap out of my trance, realizing that I'm still kissing her. Then slowly she responds and kisses me back. I put my hands on her waist, and her hands crawl up to my hair and stay there. I would have given anything to be in this position, but eventually we had to break apart as we were running out of breath. She pulls away and looks at me, wide-eyed. I look down and scratch my neck.

''I-I was-'', I stutter on my words.

''Umm, I gotta go. Bye Austin'', and with that she turned on her heels and walked out of the park. I sigh and put my hands in my head. I feel like I've been rejected. But I've never felt like this before. Probably because I've never been rejected. Girls leave their boyfriends for me-

Oh shit ! I forgot. She has a fucking boyfriend. Fuck, that just makes my mission harder. But I don't give two flying fucks. Boyfriend or not, I'm still going to make her mine and if Austin Parker has made up his mind to do something, then definitely it shall be done.

I walk out of the park and put my hands in my pocket, feeling my phone. What I need now is a good distraction. Something that will keep my mind off her. I scroll through my contacts and stop at a specific name. I dial the number and wait for the person on the line.

''Hey Courtney, you free today ?''

''Why yes I am ! How about your house ?'', she screeches in that whiny voice of hers. I chuckle, thinking how fast she understood what I needed. In the past few years, Courtney has been my only way of distraction. The only way to get my mind of her.

''Ok. Come fast. I really need this''

''Hmm, you're so gonna enjoy this. I had just gone to Victoria's Secret yesterday....''

''Stop it. Just come fast.''

''Okay.... Bye Austy'', I hated it when she called me that. That name was only meant to come out of Arianna's lips. I said a rough bye and ended the call. This had better be a good distraction. I walked back home, thinking of the night ahead.

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