∆ Stuck with two twats ∆

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Hello to my fellow readers !

Ok, so this cannot go unnoticed. 'Trusting Him' has got 17K reads and 570 votes, which obviously wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for y'all.

And the best news ? IT'S #177 IN TEEN FICTION. Like how amazing is that ? It's literally the best news ever heard, apart from my mom buying me another jar of nutella.

*Wipes off imaginary tear*

Thanks once again. Keep doing what you're doing. Enjoy the chapter !


rianna's P.O.V

I dig the heels of leg into the ground, inserting pressure so that he can't drag me. But unfortunately, due to his Hulk strength, he dragged me along with Jayden to the back entrance. Yes, the same place where Jayden gifted Courtney her necklace. It was now our usual hangout spot. Jayden had got a few men to move in some sofas, a coffee table and a refrigerator. Luckily, no school staff ever comes here apart from the janitor and since he was okay with it, it was safe.

Jayden took up one whole sofa by spreading his legs. Sean pushed me along with him on one. I started whining for him to let me go. Like seriously, there were many people over there who would have volunteered for this, yet they chose me. Me.

Ok, so not many people but I'm sure Holly and Chase would have agreed. ''I can't believe that dickhead would do that to us.'' Jayden huffed and glared up at the sky. ''I know right.'' Sean also huffed and shook his head.

''What I don't understand, is why you both dragged me here.'' I crossed my arms over my chest. Sean gave me a blank look while Jayden replied. ''You were the only... sane person over there.'' he said after after finding an appropriate word. Sane ? Does that mean the others were ex- inhabitants of some asylum ?

''Ryan would never agree because he acts like some freaking hitler and he's always got a stick up his ass. Gwen is too good for herself and she wouldn't know anything about revenge. Holly is too childish and she'll not stop whining until she gets her way. Chase isn't even an option. He'll do something stupid and we'll be the people to blame. Carter's ideas are really evil and we're not that bad. So you were the only one.''

''Did you actually think all of that when you grabbed my hand ?'' I raised my eyebrow. Sean just waved his hand while Jayden nodded proudly. Once they both realized that they did the opposite actions, they started arguing.

''You didn't actually think all that, you just made it up right now.'' Sean screamed at Jayden.

''Not my fault that you have a very small brain capacity. My brain works faster than light !'' Jayden yelled back.

''That statement itself proves you're dumb, because there's nothing faster than light, dumbass.'' I put both my hands on their chests and stopped them. I did not want to deal with their childish argument that the moment.

''If you're going to argue, then I'm leaving.'' that stopped them and they immediately got back in their places. Silence reigned over us for a while until Sean spoke up. ''I was amazing back there, though. The girls loved it.''

Jayden let out a loud 'pssht'. ''If it weren't for my fabulous dancing skills, they wouldn't have bothered to look up at the stage.''

''I don't agree to that. Arianna, my singing was amazing, right ?'' they both looked at me while I snorted.

Yeah, right. I'd hate to say this, but I'll admit that even Jacob Sartorius sang way better. And me saying that, means something.

''I'm just dreaming about my future. I'll become a renowed singer and top that direction- less band. That way all teenagers will be dreaming about me in their sleep.'' Sean smirked and closed his eyes, leaning his head on the sofa head- rest.

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