∆Dress Hunting∆

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I close the bathroom door and wear a Petals and Peacock 'Boring' sleeveless muscle tee, Balmain Noir jeans, black authentic Vans trainers, a Beauty Forever The 'Killin It' Snapback Hat in Black and a H&M 10-pack rings. I plug in my beats and hang it around my neck.

''Dad, I'm leaving. See you in the afternoon'' I say and kiss his cheek.

''Bye, Arianna. Have fun'' He hugs me and closes the door.

I get in Max and drive to the mall. Tomorrow is the big day and Holly and Gwen had decided that we all go to the mall and pick out a birthday dress for me. I'm not sure about a dress, I had just quoted Gwen's words. I decided that I wanted pink and blonde highlights between my brunette hair. It's gonna be a change from my emo lifestyle. So the birthday dress is also gonna be something other than black. I reach the mall and park my car in the parking lot. I walk to the entrance to see a brunette staring intently at her phone and blushing. I quietly approach her and take a peek.

''Are you watching porn or something ?'' I ask from behind. She drops her mobile and picks it up, while glaring at me.

''God, you scared me and no I wasn't'', she crosses.

''Then why were you blushing and staring at your phone so intently ?''

''I-I..... Er, that was-''

''Was what ?''

''Nothing much, Chase had just texted me if I were up for catching a movie with him'', she says and shrugs her shoulders.

''Hmm, do I sense something going on between you and Chase ?'' I ask and furrow my eyebrows with a huge smile.

''I...'',she trailed of speechless.

''Oh my God, Gwen Kielson is blushing ! That can only mean that you like him. Am I right or not ?'' I expected her to punch me or atleast tell me to shut up, but what I got was a shy nod.


She clears her throat and returns to the strict and stern Gwen '' I think we should start dress- hunting.''

''So what about Holly ?''

''She is um, clearing some things with Ryan'' she say with uneasiness.


''She had better'' I hear her say under her breath.

''Umm, Gwen ? Is something going on between Ryan, Carter and Holly ?''

''Why do you ask'', she stops and looks at me.

''Because whenever they're together in a room, the room gets filled with lots of tension and they keep on staring at one another. I don't know if its just me, but I can feel it''

''You're right. Ryan, Carter and Holly go way back.'', she sighs and looks around. Without saying a word, she pulls me into Starbucks and sits on the chair opposite me. As I sit down, she gets up, after sometime comes back with two caramel frappucinos.

Oh, how I love Gwen.

''So as I was saying, Ryan, Carter and Holly go way back. We knew each other since we were 6. Both of them had huge crushes on Holly, but could never say it to her. Then in the 8th grade, Ryan asked Holly out and she said yes. They dated for a while until in 10th they broke up.''

''But why ? And they dated for two whole years ? Wow. That's a record.''

''I'm just getting to it. While we were at a party, Ryan got drunk and him being him, started making out with a girl, thinking that she was Holly. I know him well. He would never cheat on Holly, even if he's drunk. He loved her a lot and still does.'', she sighs and continues.

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