∆ First day of school ∆

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Arianna's POV

My eyes widened at the sight of the person sitting on the couch. I stared in disbelief. No, this isn't possible. It can't be. Why the fuck would she be here? How did she get to know I live here? Oh right, she's Jenna Walker. She'll find some way.

Stupid eyes. Can't you be useful for at least once?

I guess she must have noticed my presence, as she looked at me and a slow smile made its way onto her face. I could see the shock in her eyes, how much ever confident she looked. ''Hello there, darling," she greeted me with the smile still plastered on her face.

"Mom," I muttered under my breath. No, she wasn't my mom, but unfortunately, it was the rule of the society that you must call the woman who gave birth to you 'mom'. Otherwise, she wasn't a mom, but a cold- heartless bitch who--

"That's right, Arianna. I'm glad you remember me." She smiled widely. I'm pretty sure to annoy me. Her mere sight, just made me want to gouge her eyes out. Oh, and not to mention that disgustingly annoying smile.

"What do you want from me ?" I snapped at her, trying to get this over with. She hasn't been in my life for 18 years. Why would she interfere now? She looked at me shocked and put a hand to her heart.

"Now now, Ari, is that the way to treat your mom ?" she asked playfully, mocking hurt.

"Don't even call me that and you're not my goddamn mom," I grit out through my mouth. All I felt for her was hatred. She abandoned me after giving birth to me and left me with Dad. I get it, she didn't want a kid, but didn't she feel anything while doing that to her own blood?

"Tsk tsk," she clicked her tongue. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes at any moment. Who the fuck does she think she is, to just waltz into my life? She had no regrets for what she did.

No, don't cry. You can't cry in front of her no matter what. She doesn't deserve your tears.

"What do you want from me ?" I asked her, my jaw clenching. The faster this gets over, the better. I'm afraid if I stand here any longer with her in front of me, I would sin. The FBI might, later on, be involved to investigate where I hid her dead body.

She straightened her posture and spoke in a business- like tone."Ok then. Straight to the point-"

I let out a cold and bitter laugh. I fucking knew it. The person who had decided to not get involved with me wouldn't simply travel over the country to meet someone; it had to be something related to her profit. "I knew it. You wouldn't simply come here all the way from California just to see someone."

She paused and then shook her head, vigorously. "Ari, I-"

"No don't, please continue with whatever you wanted to say because I am sure it must have something to do with your business," I spat words at her face. Granted, it was rude, but she deserved it.

For a moment I saw hurt flash in her eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. She covered it up with a blank expression. As she opened her mouth to speak, I spoke quickly, not giving her a chance to. I wasn't interested in her bullshit. Though I may have asked her to continue, I couldn't care less about what she wanted to tell me.

"I can't even call you my mom. You have never appeared to me as a mom." I chuckled bitterly. "Just give me a reason as to why I should be calling you my mom. I've grown up with only one parent, so it's hard to imagine how it would be growing up with both. But I do know one thing. Mothers never leave their daughters for money. They'd go through hell so that they wouldn't be separated from their daughter. So you're never gonna be my mom, Jenna. I want nothing to do with you. So get out. I don't ever wanna see you in my whole life."

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