∆The food fight∆

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Arianna's POV

Sorry, can't tutor you today. See you tomorrow - A

Oh okay - J

I exit out of the messaging app and open the calling pad. I dial Austin's number. I tap my leg impatiently against the floor. The idiot should learn to pick up his calls someday. And at last when finally picked up, I spoke into the phone.

''Hey, Austin ?'' I spoke and hee replied in a gruffy voice. I bet even hobos have better voices.

''Yeah, who's this ?'' I take the call away from my ear for a minute and stare at it. Seriously ? Who the hell doesn't recognise my voice ?

''It's Arianna. I just wanted to remind you about the English proje--'' I started, but he cut me off, irritation lacing his each word.

''Yeah, yeah I remember.'' I bet he's rolling his eyes now.

''Ok so be at my house at 6. Get it ? Bye." I didn't wait for him to reply and just cut the phone.

I had told Austin that we had to complete our project as soon as possible, as next week was the last date for submission, and then I realized I had to tutor Jake. No way am I gonna lose marks for Yoder, so I cancelled our tutoring session today. No biggie, tomorrow I'll see him again. Its not like I enjoy teaching that guy. Like seriously ? Its been almost a week since I had started teaching him about Pythagoras Theorem and he still can't get it right. I'm not a very patient person, so if this doesn't work out then I'm gonna have to tell Mr. Ives that I can't tutor him.

As for the light in my dark world, for once I had real good news. I was literally prancing and jumping around when I heard it. My dad had called me two days ago and he told me he'd visit me next week and oh boy, I just can't wait to see him. He told me that he missed me a lot and decided on spending a week with me. I told him about my difficulty being alone and the problem of food, so he appointed a maid for me. She'll be coming tomorrow. I guess her name's Delia.

Ugh, So from now onwards you're gonna be lazy and I hate it when you're lazy

Suck it up

I-I hate you

Love you too, my dearest conscience.

Ding Dong !!!

I rush to get the door and see a smirking Austin. My cheery mood dissolves seeing that smirk. I rolled my eyes and stepped aside.

''Stop smirking and get in, idiot,'' I say with irritation present in my tone. But what happened was that his smirk only grew wider. I just shake my head and give him space to enter. I led him to my room and we started off on our project; him on the couch and me on my bed.

''What's your favourite color ?'' he asked, not lifting his head from his book.

''Black.'' I reply. Honestly, I feel that this project is shitty. I get it, it's about knowing your partner's interests and all that shit, but who would ever want to know them ? I mean imagine if I had got a nerd as a partner instead.

Cringe level : Max.

''Oh. . ." he says and trails off, blinking a few times. ''What happened ?'' I asked and raised one of my eyebrows. He finally looked up and squared his shoulders, capping his pen.

''I thought you'd go for pink or red as that's what girl choose right ?'' I gave him a weirded out look. Racist.

''Not necessarily." I say nonchalantly. This is what I'm saying. Bloody racist, ha had the nerve to question my colour choice.

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