∆A tiny crush∆

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Arianna's P.O.V

I submitted mine and Austin's essay and slid back into my seat. I'd rather lick a homeless guy's foot, than listening to Ms. Ardore ramble on and on about how good students we are, submitting our project on time.

Next time, make sure that you submit it one year later.

I grab my bag and head to the worst class. Yes ladies and gentlemen, as you guessed it.

Math, with Mr. Ives

''Class, today we're going to have a surprise test and the marks for this test will affect your grades,'' he stated and handed out the papers. I scan the paper and realize that the questions are based on Pythagoras Theorem. I search the class for Jake and see him staring at me. I smirk at him, in which I got a warm smile in return.

One week of teaching that jerk and I myself was better than Pythagoras.

What about him?

He better write the correct answers, that douche. I spent more than a week teaching that property to him.

I quickly scribble down the answers and hand in my paper to Mr Ives. Everyone did and we had ten minutes left for the bell ring to ring. Five minutes later, he gave us our papers and I saw an 'A+' on my paper. The bell rang, indicating our freedom. As I headed out, Mr Ives called my name.

'' Ms Byrnes ?'' he raised an eyebrow that peeked out if his thick eyeglasses. He looks like the grandfather I never had.

''Yes, Mr Ives ?'' I turn around and clasp my hands behind my back.

''You can stop tutoring Mr Yoder, as I see that he has scored more than the what he usually does. Thank you, Ms Byrnes.'' I could hear the hesitation in his voice. Obviously, his ego was getting crushed.

''Welcome, sir.'' I nod and get out of the classroom. On the way back to my locker, I decided to text Jake. I won't have to see him now.

Tuitions are over, Mr Ives said so- A

Oh okay- J

One part of me does feel sad that I won't be able to see him. Sure I see him at school, but then when I was tutoring I got more time to see him. After all, a small part of me did like him. Not love.


I cleared all thoughts of Jake and my mind wafted to a new topic.

Yesterday Delia arrived, which was great as I thought I'd die because of hunger. Ok, so it's not like there was nothing in the fridge. Or my car ran out of gas so I couldn't go to the supermarket. I just wanted to improvise my laziness. It's been almost three months I guess since I was lazy. And after her arrival, I returned to the old, lazy me. Dad's gonna come after two days and I am super excited. It's not like he always stays with me. He just calls me every month and so him staying with me, is like once in a blue moon opportunity.

Delia too is just like family to me. She is just too sweet and caring and the best thing? She'll make me anything! Things are still kinda awkward between me and Austin, but I don't know why I kinda think I have a crush on him. Not those Jupiter combined with the Milky Way crush on him, just a tiny crush on him. He was really close to kissing me! I told everything to Chase, which I think now was a bad idea, and he just laughed at me.

I opened the front door and slump on the couch. Suddenly my phone started to ring, blasting Olly Murs's Troublemaker. I hummed along to the tune and accepted the call without checking out the caller.

''Hello ?'' I squeak into the phone.

''Hey there, Arianna,'' says a feminine voice, rich in a British accent.

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