∆My slutty conscience∆

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Arianna's P.O.V

I rushed back to the club as fast as my legs could carry me. It was too much to digest. Austin kissing me, his cancer-stricken sister, his abusive father. I merged in with the crowd and relaxed my muscles. At the moment, Shut up and Dance with me by Walk the Moon was playing.

Definitely Dad's selection.

All of a sudden a dozen million photographers surrounded me and started taking a kabillion pictures of me.

Damn, paparazzi.

I blocked the flash from my eyes and returned to the bar and was met with a beaming Zac.

''Another drink ?'', he asked with a seductive smile. I laughed and was going to say 'yes' but was couldn't as my dad beat me to it.

''Definitely not''. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow as if I would understand that it meant :' Where were you the whole time ?'. Pshht, poor old man, doesn't realize that I don't understand.

But you just did say what he was thinking, you dumbass !

Really ? Wow.

''Er-um, I-I'', I cleared my throat, looked around for any hiding paparazzi and continued. ''I had gone to take a small walk in the nearby park. Ya'know the sweaty bodies and stuff...'',

''I don't give a shit where you go, but today is your birthday Arianna. You cant just disappear like that !'', he practically yelled at me. He never yells at me, so I'm guessing he had to handle something bad...

''Dad, did something happen that-''

''DID SOMETHING HAPPEN ? Are you ASKING me that ? With all the ladies trying to flirt with you and get you into bed, I'm not sure that qualifies as bad, Ari'', He started talking about how bad his day went. How the ladies asked for me and since I wasn't there, started hitting on him. I tried suppressing my laughter, but what could I do ? I started laughing as if I were the president of some laughter club and didn't stop. When I spared a glance at him, I had to shut my mouth. He looked beyond furious. He just walked away from me and into the million bodies in the club. I sigh and walk to the seats near the dancefloor. Before I got to sit, I hear many people calling out my name.

Calling ? More like shouting. Wait no. It's more like they are howling your name. No even that doesn't describe the way they are-

Ok, now shut it.

I walk closer to the source of the voices and could make out Jayden and the rest of the gang along with Holly and Gwen. As I neared them, I could make out that they were drunk. Not the 'I'm gonna sober up, just gimme a second, dude' drunk. Like 'Bro, I don't need ya snickers. I aint a drama queen, this be the real me' drunk.

''There comes the hot birthday chick !'', Jayden screemed while everyone applauded.

''Who you callin a chick, eh ?''Chase slurred his words, but managed to hit Jayden behind his head.

''Owww, that one. The one in the blue. Actually two in blue. No wait, do you see a third version too?'', Jayden started giggling uncontrollably like a kindergarten girl. I hadn't noticed but Gwen had wrapped her arms around Chase and was starting to kiss his neck. I tried to look away but then Ryan put his arms around my shoulder and started giggling too. I looked at him weirdly. This buff, muscular and mysterious guy giggling ? I just shook my head. Gwen had already made a hickey on his neck, but then her lips moved to the skin on her own arms and started to kiss there also.

''Hmmmm Chase, why has your skin become sooo sofftt''. I grimaced and took Ryan's hands off mine. The whole gang were doing something stupid. I scanned the bar for a familiar face and saw Jake-ass. As he was my only option that I had, I let it slide.

''Jake ! Jake ! Here !'', I screamed his name. He looked at me and in a flash he was in front of me.

Aww, how sweet. Not.

''What happened, Ari ?'', he asks with concern.

''Would you mind helping me carry these drunkards to my car ? I'd really appreciate it-''

''It's fine, I'd love to help and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't all fit in your car. I'll take half of em in my car'', he flashes me a smile and takes a drunk Carter with him, whose shirt was half open. I melt at his smile and keep my calm. It's been a long time since I've seen that warm smile. I clear my head of all thoughts of him and catch hold of Gwen's hand, who was still clinging to Chase. I shove them in the back seat and go back to the club to fetch Holly. I saw Jake taking Jayden, who seemed to be shouting the number of condoms he buys in a month. I chuckle and my eyes lock with Jake's. He chuckled and muttered a 'come on' under his breath. He dragged Jayden with him and I took ahold of Holly. Ryan cupped his hands around Holly's face and looked at her dramatically.

''I love you so much, Holly. May our kids have my intelligence and your stupidness. You have to promise me that you'll never forget me ever. I love you.''

''I'll never forget me ever and I love me a lot too'', she said and was about to slip, when I caught her and put her arm around my shoulder. Ryan fell down to the floor on his knees and screamed 'No'. He kept on going down and down till he was laying down on the floor.. His 'no' became muffled due to the floor of the club. I search for Jake and there he was entering the club. I point at the ground and he nods, with a wide grin. I take Holly and put her in the passenger seat. She was repeating the words 'I love you Ryan' again and again. I looked at her with sympathy. She has two boys behind her, who are extremely in love with her but she cant date any one of them as both of them proved to be liars. I started the engine and drove home. I opened my texting app and opened Jake's contact.

Me : Bring em all to my house.

A few minutes later while I was about to reach my house, I received a message from Jake that said 'K'

I parked my car in the garage and got out of the door. Holly was asleep and Gwen and Chase were cuddling together.

Awww, I totally ship Chen !

Like the Chen from EXO !

No you dumbass ! Chase and Gwen !


I see Jake's neon blue and black Mustang coming in view. I show him the empty space where dad's car was usually parked, but as he was still at the party it was empty. He parked his car and got out. I unlocked the door and allowed him to put the all in the living room. First, I took Chase and kept him on the sofa and came back for Gwen. When I put her on the sofa, she started moaning Chase's name. I shivered and went to check for Holly. When I reached my car, I saw the passenger seat's window open and half of Holly's body was dangling out of the car. I called out Jake and he was beside me.

''Woah, how did she do that ?'', he asked in disbelief.

''Since this is Holly who has done this, let's just say that I'm not surprised.'' I take hold of her shoulders and Jake takes her legs and we carry her to the living room and put her on the floor. Finally when everyone was in the room and we had settled down, Jake took hold of my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes.

''Arianna, whatever I said back there was a lie. A big fat lie. You're not a slut, you're better than that. I just felt angry when I saw Pierce with you. My heart aches when I see you with someone, it's just that..'', he looks at me and down to my lips.

Oh no

Without a warning he crashed his lips onto mine and the warmth he gave me spread all over my body. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and that's when my dumb conscience took over. I kissed him back and kept my hands on his shoulder and slowly trailed them to his hair.

Fuck off, conscience. I cant be doing this !

Oh yes, you can !

I disobeyed my conscience and pulled away from him. He looked at me with sorry eyes.


But I walked away and locked myself in my room. I slid down the wall with my back to it.

''I cant believe my conscience is being such a slut.'', I whispered to myself.

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