∆ Unraveling the past ∆

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Arianna's P.O.V

Jayden tiptoed to the front door and was about to stick in the key when I glared at him and shook my head. If he was ever a robber, he'd be the worst one. Like, who breaks into a house using the front door ?

''We should use the back door.'' I whisper. He shook his head. ''I suspect his Mom might be there, after all she goes to use the gazebo for thinking.'' I nod and just agree. I didn't know Jayden was actually this close to Austin, that he knew Katherine Parker's thinking spot was the gazebo.

He slowly twisted the key and without making a sound, opened the door. There were no lights on and it was just like the last time I had come here. Jayden had already told me that Redmond Parker; Austin's dad, was out on a business meeting. God knows, what kind of meetings happen at 10:42 in the night.

We kneeled down and crept slowly to the staircase. The house was quite big; bigger than mine. Since the lights weren't on, it would be hard to spot us, if there was anyone in the room.

However, you seem to be the main attraction, wearing a giraffe onesie.

I facepalmed. I couldn't even remember when I had put it on. We crept slowly upstairs. Thank Goodness, these staircases don't creak like in the movies. When we reached the second floor, Jayden glanced at the three doors.

"Which one ?" I asked him. He scratched his neck and but his lower lip, a clear sign that he didn't know. "Oh come on, you're his best friend ! You're supposed to know which room." I whisper- yelled at him. He just stood there and looked around. I shook my head and opened the second door.

"Yes, that's the room. Sorry, I forgot." Jayden came from behind and zipped open his backpack. "You brought your backpack ?" Again, I repeat. When did that happen ?

Oh my Gosh, you oblivious idiot. You should start paying attention to your surroundings.

He shrugged and went to Austin's bed. I walked around, admiring his room. For a boy, it sure was really neat. He had a blue bulletin board in front of his study desk. There were many pictures pinned to it. Some were if his family and some with his friends. There was also a picture of a young boy with a baby who looked roughly 2 years old.

Must be his sister.

They did have a lot of resemblance. My heart ached when I remembered Austin telling me that she had lung cancer. Poor kid, she's only 6. Instead of prancing around and enjoying her life like other toddlers her age, she was stuck in a hospital.

My fingers grazed over another picture of a girl with brown wavy hair and a boy who seemed to be holding onto a dog who was running away. I smiled at the picture.

"I'm going to call you Ria." he states and looks at me shyly. I furrow my eyebrows and pout. "But why ? Everyone calls me Ari."

"Exactly. I want to give you a nickname that no one else gave you." he smiled sweetly and looks down. We were walking aimlessly around our neighbourhood.

"Oh okay. In that case, even I want to give you a nickname too." I racked my brain hard for a name. Austin was a really short name. I wonder what I could call him.

"It's alright. My name's really short and besides you can just call me Austy like everyone does." I shook my head. No, if he can give me a special name then even I want to give him a special one.

"No, just wait." And so we walked in silence, with entertwined hands. I suddenly jumped and screamed out a 'Yes'.

"I know what I'm going to call you." I smiled. "What ?" He asked and stopped in his tracks.

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