∆Bipolar Issues∆

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Arianna's P.O.V

I woke up with a heavy object on my bare waist, restraining me to the bed I was currently in.

An arm.

Slowly turning my head, I caught sight of a figure sleeping right next to me. I screamed with all of my might and tried squirming out of the person's grip, but failed miserably. At last, the person woke up from his beauty sleep and took his arm off my waist. And with that, ladies and gentlemen is how I land with my butt on the floor.

''Owww,'' I groaned. Shit, I think I broke a bone in my butt, even though I don't think butts had bones.

''God, are you okay ?'' asked a half-naked Austin, standing in front of me. My eyes trailed down to his toned abs to his v- line. No, stop looking, Arianna!

If I was ok, why do you think I'd be massaging my butt and groaning in pain?

''Sorry, just asked,'' he apologized, scratching the nape of his neck sheepishly. Shit, his hotness has just increased tenfold. I might just combust on spot. But CONTROL.

Good lord, did I just say that out loud?

I guess you did

''Yeah, you did,'' he replied, still not lending me a hand.

I quickly got up and I'm reminded of that day. That day when I had bumped into him and even after seeing me on the pavement for a good 5 minutes, he still didn't help me up.

And he thought I was I checking him out.

Because you were, little one.

Oh just shut up.

''You know, I think you don't have a habit of helping people,'' I said looking at him, straight in the face. I didn't wanna sound like his mom, so I added a hint of playfulness in my tone. Correction: I know you don't.

''And how's that ?'' he asked, raising one eyebrow.

''If I'm correct, no wait. I'm always correct. If you remember, this is the second time that I've fallen in front of you and never have I seen you helping me up,'' I retorted and smirked.

''I don't need to help anyone,'' he answered back, keeping a blank face. Wait, did his behavior just take a whole 180° turn or is just me?

''Cocky much ?'' I commneted and chuckled nervously. I seriously didn't know what else to say. I looked down at myself and see that I'm in the same clothes that I had worn for the party.

''Er... What happened yesterday? I don't quite remember anything that happened, apart from me chugging down the shots with Ryan and me being the winner.'' I gave him a sheepish smile but internally patted myself on the back.

''You seriously don't remember anything ?'' he asked, stressing on 'anything', his face filled with an expression of disbelief.

''I seriously don't,'' I uttered slowly, trying my best to remember any foolish things that I did. Damn, did I do anything to piss him off? I hope not.

''You've got to be fucking kidding me.''

''No I am not! So stop beating around the bush and mind telling me what happened and as to why I woke up next to you ?'' I tried making it less awkward. I tried, ya'll. I really did, but this guy right here in front of me was pissing me off by the growing second.

We couldn't have done the deed as I was in my clothes. He sighed and gestured for me to sit down. I sat on side of the bed, but he still stood, there staring at me.

Adoring Austin | ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum