Chapter Two

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Check out the video on the side! It's a song called Addict by Jewls. Let me know what you think about it

Chapter Two

This is it, the first day of school. I could feel the sweat forming on my body, and my stomach felt like it was twisting in more ways then one. Why am I so nervous? It'll be okay, I can do this. Because something disastrous is going to happen.

I put on my hi-low mint green dress that I got a week ago with Ann, and wrapped the silver belt around my tiny waist. I found my waist to be the best part of my body, I've always loved it, and this dress complimented it beautifully. I curled my dark hair, but I knew it wouldn't stay, my hair would end up turning into a long mess of waves, no matter how much hair spray I used. But Ann insisted, so what the heck? I'll give it a try, if all goes wrong, I told her I'm blaming it on her.

"Kasey!" I heard my mother holler. "Get your butt down here, you're going to be late!"

I glanced at the clock to see I only had about ten minutes left.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath. I still have to apply my make up, and have breakfast. Breakfast it is. I left my bedroom, only to end up stopping abruptly. If I plan on becoming popular, I have to wear make up. My stomach let out a loud growl, but I did my best to ignore it as I spun around on my heels and quickly put on make up. I added a bit more than I usually would, with a little advice from Ann.

I ran down the stairs, grabbing my bag on the way. I rushed out of the house before either one of my parents were able to see me. I wasn't risking their reaction towards my new attire. I shouted out an 'I love you' before slamming the door shut.

I sped my pace as I realized I only had five minutes to get to school before it started. I cannot be late on my first day! That's just... unacceptable. I don't plan on ruining my grades this year, I still want to have a career in the future. Maybe not a doctor... But something that involves going to school.

I made it through the doors two minutes late. I let out a sigh of relieve as I realized the first day was registration day and so classes didn't actually start until twelve. I listened to my stomach growl again, making me groan in frustration. Why didn't I just grab something to eat before I left? If only I remembered today was registration day. I didn't even pack a lunch.

I strolled towards the vending machines, hoping to have a dollar somewhere in my bag. I shrieked in excitement when I found four quarters. I put the quarters in one by one, feeling bubbly, I started to jump up and down. One more, and I'll get my bag of Cheetos. I heard a click, and I found my quarter in the return slot. My mouth fell open. I was truly astonished.

"No, freaking, way," I sneered. My stomach continued to growl, but my quarter was of no use, and the vending machine ate my other three quarters. I stormed away from the evil machine, hoping to find Ann lurking in the crowd somewhere.

"Was that a 2012 quarter? For some reason it doesn't accept them... Damn machine, I learnt that the hard way," I heard a voice speak behind me, followed by a chuckle. I gasped, and I felt my heart beat rush faster than normal. I turned around to find a guy leaning against the vending machine, with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before," he observed, raking his eyes across my body, making me blush. I turned my face to the side, trying to hide the blush forming on my cheeks with my hair.

"I umm--no," I managed to say. I blushed even more, embarrassment. I mentally cursed myself, why am I blushing? Stop blushing. Maybe because he's one of the hottest guys in school! And he's talking to you, Kasey, to you! What do I do? I'm going to ruin everything if I continue talking to him.

Ann walked through the doors then. Thank God! She must really love me or something to show up right now, at this exact moment.

"I've gotta go," I told him, pointing in the direction of Ann. I walked away before he could reply, I would've said something stupid, or continued to blush and look like a freak.

"Ann, oh my gosh, I think you've officially saved my life!" A confusion expression crossed her face, and she placed her hand on my forehead.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

"I'm perfect," I replied with a grin. I pulled her into a huge hug.

"So... If I've saved your life, that means you owe me, right?" she questioned, pulling away from my hug.

I laughed and shook my head, patting her shoulder.

"No, not this time. But you know, for the first time in like forever, a guy talked to me," I told her, hoping to switch the subject.

"No way! Tell me all about it, don't leave any details out," Ann squeaked, being her over-dramatic self. I told her the story, and she looked sort of disappointed. What did she expect to happen? That I'd all of a sudden be best friends with Jace Keller? He wasn't exactly in the popular crowd, he liked to keep to himself most of the time, but he was still considered extremely hot.

"It's a great start though, agreed? Agreed." Giggling, I nodded in agreement.

"So who's ready for some smexy photo taking?" Ann hollered, posing with her hand on hip and blowing a kiss to the boy standing next to us. Which ended up being the weird kid in my math class from last year that had a new cat joke almost everyday... Ann straightened up and cringed.

"Didn't notice him there." We both looked at each other, a second went by before we both erupted into fits of laughter. Ann flicked her brown hair behind her shoulder and blinked her almost grey eyes multiple times, and smiled, framing her heart shaped face.

"I bet he thinks I like him," she said.

"And you're happy because of that... Why?"

"It'll just make him happy, you know?" She told me, as if she were doing a good thing by leading the poor guy on.

"Until he starts leaving you creepy love notes in your locker," I stated, a smirk forming on my face, while we got in line to get our timetables for first semester. She turned her body towards mine once we stopped walking.

"Wanna switch lockers?" she almost begged me, holding her hands out in a prayer position.

"Not allowed, remember?" I told her apologetically, grabbing my timetable from the table. Now its picture time. Yeah, my favourite thing to do! Hint the sarcasm?


"How was your first day of school, Kasey?" My mother asked me as she filed through a pile of paperwork.

"The same as the past three years." I shrugged, sitting at the table on the seat opposite to her. She lifted her glasses up and scrunched her nose.

"Sometimes I hate these things," my mother groaned, rubbing her nose.

"Where are your contacts?" I questioned, she hardly ever wore her glasses, it was weird seeing her without them. I unzipped my bag and took out my binder, flipping it to the math worksheet I received today. Most people would complain about getting homework on the first day, but I didn't mind it, it was something to do and it helped me become as smart as I am today. I began answering the questions, knowing them right away.

"I have to buy more eye drops for my contacts," she explained, leaning her head against her hand, and squeezing her eyes together.

"Why did you bring your work home, mom?"

"Just working overtime, sweetie." I nodded my head. Finishing up my homework, I packed it up and threw my bag in the corner.

"Well, I'm going to go out with Ann, see you later, mom," I told her, leaving the kitchen.

"Wait!" she hollered. I stopped, and cringed. "Come to think of it, where were you the other day?"

I folded my clammy hands together, my stomach twisted and I felt the urge to vomit.

"I, umm... Ann and I, we-we went to the mall," I stuttered, twisting my body around slowly to face her. I gaped at the sight. My mother was smiling, smiling! Isn't she supposed to be angry?

"Okay. Have fun today!" What?

"Where is my mother and what have you done to her?" I demanded, my mouth still not having the ability to close. My mother narrowed her eyes at me.

"Get out of here before I change my mind, Kasey." I scurried out of the house as fast as I could. I was not going to let this opportunity pass. But it was too easy, my mothernever let me tell her when I'm leaving. I don't even know why I did that, I guess I just wanted to rebel a little bit. But the weirdest part is that she didn't ask me where or when I was going to be back. Shrugging it off, I jumped into my car and drove to Ann's house.

The song 'Roar' by Katy Perry started to play. Crap, someone was calling me. Checking to make sure no police were around, I grabbed my phone from my purse to see who was calling me. I rolled my eyes, obviously it was Ann, who else would call me?

I answered the phone.

"Hey! I'm driving so I can't talk long."

"Change of directions, we're going to a party. Well--we're crashing a party."


You guys rock! I'm already #203 on Humor and #263 on Teen fiction. Love you all <3 Please comment, they are always appreciated! No matter your opinion, vote and/or fan if you like!

Picture of Ann is on the side, and 'Roar' by Katy Perry, but Alex G's cover!

~ Emii xoxo

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