Chapter Nine

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We didn't make the exact goal last chapter. But I know you wonderful readers can do it! Please don't be a quiet reader, let me know if you are enjoying my story---or not. I need some feedback! It'll help me make this story better! (: Let's get those votes and comments in people! 60 votes and 20 comments! I know you can do it. 

Alright, enough of my chatter! Enjoy reading!

Chapter nine

"Oh god, Ann." I felt ready to collapse, my head was dizzy, and everywhere I looked was covered with black clouds. I felt her steady me, and make me sit down. "Why didn't I check the stalls? Why didn't I check those damn stalls!"

Ann rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. But nothing will help me, not this time. My life is over. My breathing came in short but quick, gasps. I heard Ann mumble to herself, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I was too focused on how stupid I was too not check the stalls!

"Hey, it's not your fault," she tried to soothe me in a hushed voice. But what she said was a lie. Erika just had to be their at that exact moment! It was my fault for not checking. It was my fault for getting to carried away about Ann teasing me. Nobody would have thought anything, I was just being paranoid. But now the whole school is going to think that something is between Jake and I.

I felt a flick of hope that maybe, just maybe, Erika wouldn't say anything. She hasn't said anything about Colin. But that was different, and I knew it. This situation didn't involve her, and now she has complete control over how this rumor is going to go.

"Why, Ann, why?" I cried. Her hand continued to rub my back, still attempting to calm me down.

"I'll help you through whatever she says. It'll be okay." I rolled my eyes, it will so not be okay. It will be far from okay. But I nodded my head anyway, I didn't want to hear her talk anymore, I just wanted to go home and cry myself to sleep. "Come on, there's one more period to get through today. I'll walk you to your class."

I shook my head, and stood up, examining myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot, I had blotches all over my face, and my mascara ran down my cheeks in black streaks.

"Class has already started. I'm just going to go home." Ann looked at me sympathetically and nodded her head in understanding. She brought me to my locker and helped me grab my bag, and then took me to the office. She told the attendant that she was helping me in the bathroom, under certain circumstances--such as vomiting, and she handed her a green slip so her teacher wouldn't contact her parents for her being late to class.

I called home and waited for the phone to pick up. After a few rings, I heard my mom answer on the other line.

"Hello?" I sucked in a deep breath, trying my best to sound sick.

"Hey mom, I'm not feeling so well." It didn't take me a whole lot of effort, since I was already feeling pretty nauseous.

"Oh dear, that's not good," she said. I waited for my mom to say something else. I couldn't talk, I felt like if I did, I would cry. Moments later, my mom finally spoke again. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

The line ended, and I hung up. She sounded a little bit annoyed . . .  Does she know I'm not actually sick? No, that couldn't be it, she said she'd pick me up. I would have walked home if she hadn't, though. I couldn't face Erika fifth period. I bet she's already spreading that rumor like blazing fire.

"I'll call you later, Kay," Ann said, a sad smile on her lips. I nodded my head, not capable of smiling back at her. She gave my shoulder a light pat, before heading on her way to fifth period.

Steele His Heart - (ON HOLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora