Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I stared at the money in my hands. What do I do? Give her the money to get her to keep her mouth shut? Which will also mean she wins. Or do I say 'screw you!' and possible make everything a whole lot worse?

My heart was pulling at both directions. Fifty dollars is a lot of money--for me, anyway. I only ever get money on special occasion, like Christmas and my birthday. But I like to spend it---so I usually end up with nothing in my pocket. Wow. I really need a job. But if Erika doesn't get it, will she actually tell everybody?

I stuffed the money back into my wallet. I can't think about this right now. I need more time, I feel like my head is going to burst off any second! Jake is just another confusing thing thrown at me to just--I don't know, confuse me more? Why is he talking to me? I can't figure it out. Erika has to be involved somehow, right? Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I pulled my phone out to text Ann. I need some time off thinking, and the malls the perfect place for that! I've always hated trying on clothes, so I sure as hell do not plan on doing that. But I do need some new headphones, though. The ones I have are pretty much two years old, and only one bud works. One of the worst things in life. Ugh.

My phone alerted me, letting me know that Ann texted me back.

Ann: Hey girl! Yeah, I need a new shirt anyway. Mia's with me right now actually, though. So she's gonna tag along! If that's no biggie?

Me: No, not at all! Come soon.

Ann: I'll be there in 10.

I glanced in the mirror, checking to make sure my hair wasn't a big mess. I might love my hideous t-shirts--they're so comfy! I don't see why Ann despises them so much--but I'm not leaving the house with gross hair. I, as a matter of fact, do take care of my facial appearance. I grabbed a twenty from my wallet, stuffing it in my jeans pocket. Ann is most definitely not going to be here in ten minutes, so what can I do to pass the time? I rummaged through a few cds on my shelf in my room. Finding nothing that I wanted to listen to, I took another twenty from my wallet. I am in desperate need of more music.

I found myself glancing through the fridge to the cupboards and back to the fridge about five times before I finally gave up. Frowning, I shook my head in disbelief. Will that women ever get good food?

"Eat an apple, Kasey. If you have one once a day, it keeps the doctor away," my mom suddenly spoke, startling me.

"Oh, shut up," I muttered under my breath. My mom narrowed her eyes at me.

"Sorry, what was that?" she questioned, crossing her arms. My eyes widened slightly. Shit, I can't stay here.

"Ahh... I didn't hear you walk in, you just scared me. That's all." My mom uncrossed her arms, and the angry expression she had on moments ago vanished. High-five Kasey! I deserve points for that one! Letting out a small breath of relief, I shook my head.

"Besides, I'm going out with Ann, I'll buy something--like a salad--" ha! Yeah right--"at the mall." I tried to walk around her, but she held her hands out.

"If you want my permission to go to the mall, then you better eat that apple right here in front of me, Kasey. I highly doubt you'll be buying that salad." Damn. She's smart. But what the hell? I'm seventeen. Does she actually think I'm waiting upon her approval for me to go out? I'm an adult in less than a year, for goodness sakes!

"Okay, call your friend up to cancel your--" Holding my hands up, I shook my head frantically.

"No, no! I'm getting that apple right now... You see?" I said, practically running towards the fridge. I took the apple and took a huge bite out of it. Letting out a big 'Mmmm'. My mom carried a big smirk on her face. She was enjoying this to much. I really hated her sometimes.

A car honked outside, and I almost let out a loud cry of relief. Took Ann long enough! I'm going to murder her for taking an extra twenty minutes!

"Oh, look! That's her. Bye!" Giving her a quick hug, I ran out of the house. I could see Ann's confused, but amused face through her cars windshield. I was about to go into the passenger side, when I noticed Mia sitting there. I hate the back, it may be extremely childish of me, but I absolutely one hundred percent do not like the back seat. Don't ask why, cause I have no idea. Mia's window rolled down, and I realized I'd been glaring through the window with my arms crossed. 

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