Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"I'm sorry," I apologized for the millionth time, mopping Ann's kitchen floor. She looked over at me, forcing a small smile. 

"I know," she said, taking the mop from my hands. "You should probably go now, though. I don't think my mom can hold onto her anger for much longer..." 

Giving Ann a sympathetic look, I nodded my head. Collecting my bag that I brought for the sleepover from Ann's room, I sent my mom a quick text to let her know I was coming home. I dipped into my pocket for my keys to find it empty. I sneaked back into the kitchen, careful not to be seen by Mrs. Moore. 

When I was only a few steps away, I slid across the floor on my socks, and stepped into a puddle of water. 

"Darn! I hate when this happens!" I moaned, staring down miserably at my soaking wet socks. I heard a soft snort come from across the kitchen, I whipped my head up to find Ann trying not to laugh. 

"You know it's not that funny," I said, glaring at her and crossing my arms against my chest.

"No, but how seriously you take it--that's what's funny," She remarked, letting a laugh come loose. Ignoring her, I snatched my keys from the counter and spun around on my heels. If I say something, I won't be able to stop. Just keep on walking, but damn, she pisses me off so much sometimes!

Calm down, Kasey. It's wet socks! Why am I getting so dramatic over it?

"Hey, I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Ann hollered after me, right in time before I slammed the door shut behind me. Right, its school tomorrow. The second day to the oh so fabulous senior year so far, hint at the sarcasm? I've already made a deal with the devil. I wish I had an identical twin sister, then I could just blame everything on her. 

Colin Steele? Like I could actually make him fall in love with me. Ha! I hate the guy, I don't want his love, I don't even want him to ever notice me. I pinched my arm, once, twice, a third time. Ugh, I'm awake, and this bet is still on. If I back out, my senior year will be worse than all of my previous high school life, and that's really bad. I shuddered at the thought of being the new juicy subject of gossip.

I climbed into my car, once the soft purr of the engine sounded; I drove my way back into the torture of my home. I took my time, causing angry monkey butts to honk their horn at me and speed around my car. Like hey! Not my fault I don't wanna go home and probably get lectured at for no good reason. 

I bet she knows about the party.

Holy shiz, what if there are pictures on facebook? Or someone tells her? I almost growled at the thought of who would tell her. Erika. She would just love to watch me shrivel in society as my life comes crashing down into a deeper grave then it ever had been. 

I clutched tighter onto the stirring wheel as my hands started to shake. Not now, please stop shaking hands? This is so not good when this happens while I'm driving. Stop shaking dumb hands! I concentrated on the road in front of me, hoping it would calm myself down a little. But I couldn't get the thought out of my head. 

I scrunched my eyes in confusion when I saw a bunch of kids around my age walking together in different groups with backpacks. There wasn't school today, was there? Parties are usually held on the weekend, I think. It's not like I would know though, I've never actually been invited to one. I thought deeply about the past week, trying to remember anything I had done in school. But it came up blank. The only thing I remember is the first day--Oh no. No, no, no! Please, no! This can't be happening. I am dead. I am officially dead! My parents are going to kill me If they find out I skipped the second day of school, did you hear second? Yes, the second day! 

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