Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The chill air of December approached. Coming closer and closer to the horrible freezing temperature of winter. If you haven''t noticed yet, I really don't like the winter. Its cold, depressing, and just plain cold! Don't get me wrong, I love snow. Just as long as I'm cuddled with a blanket, a book and sitting near the fireplace, I'll be perfectly content.

I peeled open my orange, biting into the delicious juiciness of the fruit. Erika has been leaving me alone ever since the monopoly money incident. But I know it isn't forever. I've tried to push it to the back of my mind though. I've got bigger problems to deal with... sort of.

These past few weeks have actually been pretty boring. I haven't spoken to Jake at all. Seriously, not once. It's hard to admit to myself, but there is a part of me that actually sort of misses him, but that isn't something I'd ever tell anyone. He probably doesn't even think about me. Why am I thinking about him?

Trying to push Jace to the furthest place in the back of my mind, I grabbed my bag to head off to school.

"Honey, make sure you come home right after school!" my mom hollered, but the next sentence she spoke had me gaping in disbelief. "We're having the Steele's' over for dinner!"

I dashed out of the house. The Steele's? Or some other people with the same last name as Colin whom I've never heard of before? Yeah. Let's stick with the latter. My mom hasn't spoken to Mrs. Steele since high school. She never told me the whole story, but apparently they were best friends at one point, and then something happened where they never talked to each other again. Why is she all of a sudden inviting her over then? What possible reason is there to this? I groaned, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Colin Steele. In my house?" I muttered in disgust. Maybe Mrs. Steele and my mom's friendship ended the same way as Colin and mine. Colin and I were never something I wanted to talk about. We act like we don't know each other anymore. Now, all I feel is hatred towards him. That is a feeling that would never change. But we used to be so close. Until high school came along. The reason for that is two simple words. Erika Carlson.


I listened to my science teacher, or at least tried to. Everything seemed to go in one ear, and out the other. I couldn't grasp anything he was saying. My thoughts were all over the place. I heard the bell ring, and I was the first one out of my seat and through the door. One more period. I cheered silently to myself.

"Hold up," I heard the devil himself speak. You see, there are two devils. Both Erika... and Colin. I continued walking, doubt he's talking to me. Even if he was, my actions wouldn't change. I felt a hand land on my shoulder, spinning me around. Gasping, I looked up to find Colin smirking down at me.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I screeched, maniacally flicking his hand off of my shoulder like he was fire. A flash of hurt crossed his eyes, or maybe I was just imagining it because it was gone as soon as it appeared. He brought his hand back to his side, his smirk never disappearing. He suddenly leaned in, so his hot breath fanned against my neck, causing a shiver to run up my spin.

"I know you secretly want them all over you," he whispered. A blush rose up on my cheeks. I tried to cover it with my hair, and pushed him away.

"That's the least thing I'd ever want," I snarled, walking away from him.

"Oh common, Kasey. Just admit it." The blush deepened, not because I feel that way towards him, I was blushing because he was right. I used to like him. Ugh. I feel disgusted just by remembering that! I'm embarrassed even four years after.

"Go. Away," I muttered, getting annoyed that he was still following me.

"I need to go to class," he answered.

"Then go!" I exclaimed, raising my hands up in the air. I saw my classroom, and practically screamed in rejoice. He pointed at a door across from my last period. It dawned on me. "Oooh...."

He nodded in response, an annoyed expression on his face.

"You really thought I'd just willingly want to walk with you?" Ouch. I felt a slight stab of pain pin my heart. But I couldn't let him have the pleasure of knowing what he said upset me.

"Ugh. Thank goodness you didn't. I don't know what I'd do if you did... Probably kill myself, or something," I burst out.

"Sure you would." Damn. That awful smirk of his is back. "See you tonight, Kasey."

With that he strolled into his last period, leaving me in confusion for a few seconds before I remembered what my mom told me this morning. Well, that confirmed who was coming for dinner. 

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