Chapter Ten

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I apologize for not uploading last weekend. I had a moment of writer's block, so I made this chapter extra long! :D 

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Chapter Ten

"Hey dude! I heard Kasey Hawkins tried to knock you up!" I gasped, almost falling into the locker beside me. I couldn't stick around and listen for Jaces answer. I sprinted out of there before I let myself fall apart. Was Jace apart of this rumor? I couldn't see why he wouldn't be. Any guy would do anything to get onto Erika's good side. The boys loved her, and she loved the boys.

"Wait up!" Someone called after me, I ignored whom ever it was and sprinted into the bathroom. Why do I feel the sudden flash of deja-vu? Oh. Right. Because this is the fifth time I've gone in here to cry, and only in just the first three weeks of school! That's crazy. This whole thing--this crisis I am in--is nonsense! All I wanted was to be known--make it to the top. But that backfired. Now I'm the most known wannabe 'slut' in Yorkton High.

I expected Ann to follow me into the bathroom, but I was shocked to find some other girl walking in only a few seconds after me. I recognized her to be Mia. She was a sweet, blonde girl. I've only ever talked to her a couple of times over the years, but I didn't have anything negative to say about her. She was really pretty, but she wasn't popular. She stayed away from them and lingered as a middle class person.

"I don't believe them," she told me. I gave her a small smile, wiping the few tears that fell from my eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered, giving her a nod of respect. She glanced away, probably feeling awkward that I was crying.

"I know it's tough," she started, looking down at the ground. "She's done this to me before, too."

I gave a little gasp out of shock. Right! I forgot about that. Mia was Erika's target last year. It was extremely low of her, Mia is such a nice girl, and she didn't deserve to have to deal with such a thing. It wasn't exactly to do with sex, but it was still social suicide. The fact that the rumor was indeed true makes it even worse.

"I'm so sorry about that, Mia." She looked so innocent and fragile, she looked like she would break with talking about this, but I didn't know how to change the subject. I gave a silent prayer of relief when she ended up switching it.

"Let's not talk about me. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll survive." Looking in the mirror, I wiped underneath my eye, trying to smear away the eyeliner that dripped onto my face.

"That's good... So I'll catch you later." She smiled, waving me a goodbye before leaving the bathroom. I watched as she walked away, feeling upset with how the people mocked her and made her feel so worthless last year. It wasn't everyone, but it was enough to change her.

The gossip was that her dad left her. Sure, that happens, but Erika twisted it around, making Mia feel like shit. She told people that Mia was the most annoying and slutty kid that her dad had to pack up and leave to get away from her, or else he would've sent her off to a boarding school. She also announced that she heard this from her mother, who is 'extremely' good friends with Mia's dad, which got almost everybody to believe the Queen of bitch planet.

Erika has some nice sides to her... Nothing that I can recall, but apparently she let someone borrow her shirt. But then later that day accused the poor girl of stealing it. Yeah, on the other hand, maybe she is just a plain old grumpy bitch.

The day went by in one slow blur. I spent lunch with Ann, and didn't have any encounters with Colin--or Jace. In class both Colin and I ignored each other. I felt to awkward at the time from our past approach. I really shouldn't have said the things I did. But I might as well not regret the past, because there is absolutely nothing I can do about it--unless the film 'Back to the Future' magically came to life and gave me the ability to go into the past! Knowing that would never happen, I placed myself in my chair in my bedroom and took out my homework. I really needed a distraction, and this was the perfect one.

I spent the next few hours shoving my face in my textbook, and once my homework was finally finished, I was shocking-to-say relieved to put it down. Some homework is just too much. I'm not that crazy in love with it.

I threw on my pj's and climbed into bed. God, I don't know why I'm so exhausted. When I glanced over at the clock, my mouth fell open. It's hardly even nine yet! Whatever. Letting out a long yawn, I closed my eyes, sleep following me quickly.

The next day came by to fast for my liking. Groaning, I slipped out of bed. Throwing on a t-shirt and some jeans, oh how I've missed these. It's going to be my lazy day today. I proceeded with the rest of what I had to do to get ready. I left the house a bit early, wanting to get to school before everyone else did. After I get my books, I'm hiding out in the bathroom. There is no way in hell I can deal with the gossip this morning. I refuse to.  

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