Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I felt uncontrollably giggly, my body moved in rhythm with the music, and I heard my voice shouting out the lyrics to the song that was blasting. Well, close enough to the words of the song anyway.

"What is she doing here?" A voice suddenly sneered beside me.

"I didn't invite her," an incredibly sexy voice said.

"Well, then do something about it!" I looked over to find Erika Carlson glaring in my direction. I started to laugh.

"Cheer up, buttercup!" I exclaimed, hiccuping. Someone then took a hold of my arm and started dragging me away from the music. No, music, I need you! Come back to me! I walled my arms, and tried to push out of the persons grip. But my body wouldn't work properly.

"Where are you taking me? Let go of me," I slurred slowly, worry settling through my body. We were in a dark hallway, too far away to hear the music anymore. What's going to happen to me? My thoughts raced, millions of ideas flowing through my mind. Oh no! This is going to be a Sweeney Todd moment; I'm going to be dead meat! Literally. I clawed the person's arm, making it hiss.

"Hey, let go of her!" Ann screamed. Yah! Ann to the rescue!

"I found you!" I huge grin made it's way on my face, I started to giggle. "I really found you, where've you been? I've looked everywhere, Anniboo."

"I couldn't understand anything that you just said, Kasey."

"That's totally okay, Anniboo, you wanna know why?" I asked.

"Now isn't the time, bitch. What are you both doing here? Nobody invited you." Ahh, so the person holding me is a girl.

"Get your hands off of her," Ann growled, making me frown.

"But her hands are so warm!" The girl let go of me, gasping in disgust. My legs let go, and I started to fall forward. The floor looks so warm and comfy, this seems like an amazing time to sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Sleep sounds like a good idea. I shut my eyes, ready for the ground. But it never happened.

"Ann? Why'd you catch me?" I pouted.

"Are you drunk?" Ann questioned, a shocked expression crossing her face.

"What? No, I'm sober. One hundred percent." Hiccup. "Sober!"

I hugged Ann, needing her closer. I felt so cold, so very cold. I started to shiver.

"Why's it so cold? But you're so warm..." I scrunched my eyes in confusion, pulling away from Ann. Music, I can hear the music! Strolling towards it, I heard myself start to giggle. I was jolted backwards, and let out a loud 'ow.'

"You're not heading back to the party, nerd," Erika barked. I glared at her and pushed her hand off of me. How dare she call me a nerd! I'm not a nerd... Not anymore. An idea sprung up inside of my head.

"I bet I can steal your boyfriend by the time prom comes around."

Erika Carlson, the most popular girl in school laughed at me.

"Kasey, you do realize you're a nobody, right?" Erika looked to be in deep thought, and suddenly had a wicked grin on her face.

"Fine, and if you don't steal him by the time prom comes, you get to become my personal maid."


Erika walked away from us then, leaving me smirking with my incredible plan.

"Kasey! What were you thinking?" Ann hollered quietly, starring at me wide-eyed.

"You look like a panda," I told her, giggling. Ann rolled her eyes.

"I'm taking you home."


I woke up with a pounding head, making me wince. I sat up, massaging my temples with both of my hands. Why does my head hurt so much? I groaned and threw myself back down on my bed. I hid my head under my pillow, and pushed my head against the bed. It's not going away! I groaned, really wanting to scream.

"Here," I heard Ann's voice say. I peeked my eyes out, too find her holding a glass of water and a pill.

"What is it?" I asked, pushing the pillow away and sitting up again.

"It helps with hang overs," she explained with a smirk. What? Why would I need a pill for... Oh-right. I cursed out loud. Why was I so stupid? But I didn't really drink that much. I had a few cups while I was looking for Ann, and then maybe another because it tasted so good, and then... Okay, so maybe it was quite a lot. But I didn't expect to totally lose control! It's not like I had sex or anything.

"Oh gosh... You can't tell my mom, Ann, you can't!" I begged, including the whole hand begging thing. She gave me an evil smirk.

"On one condition."

"Anything!" My mom couldn't find out! If she did... Well it would just be really bad.

"You tell me how exactly you're going to win Colin Steele's heart." Huh?

"Why would I do that? I hate the guy!" I almost shouted, bolting out of the bed and grabbing the water and pill from Ann, not being able to stand the pounding in my head anymore. I downed the water and pill in two gulps.

"You're pretty stupid when you're drunk, you know that, right?" She stated, clicking her nails against her dresser and shaking her head. "Because if you don't, you're stuck with Erika Carlson for the rest of your life."

Okay, I'm confused as hell now. Is she playing a joke on me? Because this isn't very funny. I walked around her and left the room. She must've gotten pretty drunk to last night, and banged her head or something, because what the hell is she talking about? Everything then came rushing back. Oh sugar cookies. Ann's right, I really am an idiot. I rushed down the stairs, threw on my shoes and ran outside.

I need air, I can't breath. The fresh air didn't seem to be enough. I felt suffocated, the oxygen was slowly leaving my body, and it seemed like I couldn't get enough of it. Nothing was satisfying me. I walked down the street, starring at the grass, I willed myself to smell it, to smell the flowers, but I couldn't. My mind was racing so fast, I couldn't seem to smell anything, or even hear anything.

What have I done? I can't just back out, if I do, my senior year will be over! And it's only just begun. I groaned, pulling at my hair. Right now, I'm walking outside with my PJ's, bed-head hair and absolutely no makeup, actually I probably have makeup on that is smeared everywhere. What do I do?

Turning back towards Ann's place, I made my decision. I'll do it. I'm going to steal the heart of Colin Steele. It'll be a piece of cake!

Yeah right, he'll never fall for a girl like you, my mind whispered at me. And I knew I was right, but if I do it, if I can get him to break up with Erika, number one. I won't be her maid, ew! And number two, I'll make it to the top. It's a better plan then the one I had before. Go to a few parties, hopefully people will notice me? Right, like the party went so smoothly last night. I got kicked out, and called a nerd.

"Thank gawd! Kasey, you worried me to death!" Ann shrieked, pulling me inside of the house. I smiled at her, patting her back.

"Glad you're not dead yet," I said.

"Ha ha, very funny. Now let's go make breakfast." I followed Ann into the kitchen, giddy to feed my stomach. Pancakes!


After having a pieces of toast, I frowned up at Ann.

"I still want my pancakes," I reminded her for the billionth time.

"Again, there's no batter, so we're stuck with toast," she said, sticking her tongue out at me. I stuck mine out at her, after a second we both had a fit of laughter.

"Sometimes I wonder how old we are." I smirked.

"Still young enough to do this!" A piece of toast full of jam and peanut butter was all of a sudden attached to my face.

"Oh no you didn't," I spoke slowly, before taking my second piece and throwing it at Ann. She saw it coming though and jumped out of the way.

"Hey, that's no fair!" I pouted, folding my arms across my chest. Ann giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. I tip-toed backwards, the sink was behind me and I had my oh so evil plan crawling out of my sleeve. I took a hold of the pull out sink faucet, turned the water on and then quickly pointed it in Ann's direction. Before she had time to react, I had soaked her face. She charged towards me, making me scream. I dropped the faucet and ran out of the kitchen. I raced up the stairs and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Ann started slamming on the door.

"I'll get you back someday!"

"I'm the one who got you back, Ann!" I stated, leaning against the door just incase the lock was broken. Adrenaline bumped through my veins for a few more minutes, and my breathing came out in huffs. I felt myself start to calm down, and then I slowly opened up the door, looking back and forth for Ann. But she was nowhere to be seen. I came out of the bathroom, cautious of Ann lingering around. I stepped down the stairs, trying to be quiet. I bit my lip when the stairs croaked loudly, stopping me from walking.

I heard a howl of laughter and only a second later my whole body was drenching from water, I hope. I spun around, held onto the handle of the stairs so I wouldn't fall down, and glared up at her.

"I am so--" I started to say, but Ann and I suddenly became very quiet as the house's main door started to open. Ann's mom walked in her house, the house which is flooded with water. I climbed up the stairs, hiding behind Ann.

"Do you think she'll notice?" I whispered. Ann shushed me, pushing me towards her room.

"Girls!" Her mom hollered, sounding angry, very angry.


So my lovely readers, my stories gone up to #283 on Humor and #411 on Teenfiction. It went up quite a bit... But I know you guys can get it back up there! Please don't be a quiet reader, make a small comment, no matter your opinion, I'll appreciate every single one of them! A quick vote (If you like) And a fan (if you love!) :D

A picture of Erika is to the side 


~ Emii

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