Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The second week of school. Wow, it's been going by so slowly, What if it's like this for the rest of the year? Pure, slow, torture. That's what I feel like schools trying to do to me this year--or more so--Erika. It's been torture, thinking that everyday everyone will be staring and laughing at me. But it hasn't happened yet, I'm still the nobody that no one seems to notice. I'd prefer that compared to being the centre of gossip--of course.

I closed my locker, trying to make as little sound as possible, and carried my lunch to the cafeteria to meet Ann for break.

"Hey," a voice behind me spoke, making me jump in surprise. I turned around to find Jace smirking at me. Smiling at him, I spun back around to go to the cafeteria.

"Wait up!" He called after me. I clenched my hands to my side, willing them not to shake.

Go away.

Why does he even want to talk to me? Last time I practically made a huge embarrassment scene, and he's cute! No, more than cute--hot. Which equals me being nervous, which leads to awkwardness and then embarrassment, then to where the boy never wants to speak to me again. Or so I assume, since guys have never actually spoken to me before Jace.

He's got the most beautiful shade of dark hair, and his eyes were a piercing blue. It was hard to look away once they've got you locked in. And so I ask again... What the hell is he doing talking to me? He has a whole line up of girls who would jump him, why doesn't he go after them?

Shut up, head! I should be excited that he's talking to me, sure freak out a bit, but I can't ignore him. Talk to him.

I turned to face him and flashed him a smile. There goes the hand shaking.

"Yeah?" I asked him. He had followed after me and was now only about five feet away. I crossed my arms to try and cover that my hands were shaking.

"I was wondering what I missed in science yesterday--since I was away." He continued to walk closer to me, until he was about two feet away. I shrugged, uncrossing my arms as my hands slowly calmed down.

"Oh--not much, just some notes and stuff."

"Could I borrow your notes?" he asked me, his eyes piercing into mine. A shiver ran up through my body. The way he was looking at me--it was so intense. Damn, we're talking about notes and he can make me feel like way. Stupid good looks. "If it's no big deal..."

I snapped back to reality, and found myself able to look away from his eyes. Uh oh. How long was I daydreaming for? See what I mean. Here's the embarrassing scene--next it'll be him never speaking to me again.

"I--um--sure," I managed to say, blushing like crazy. Jace grinned at me, a look on his face which literally made me melt inside.

"Cool. I'll see you in class then." He walked away, leaving me in utter shock. He said he'll see me in class. Does that mean he'll talk to me again? I felt a smile crawl up onto my face, and I could feel the heat in my face intensifying.

"Girl, where have you been!" Ann hollered down the hall. Waving, I walked in her direction.

"Woah... somebody sure is happy today," she observed once I was in front of her. I tried brushing it off with a small shrug of my shoulders, but the grin on my face betrayed me. "What happened?"

Ann started to bounce on her heels in excitement. She loved juicy details, and I loved making her wait a bit for them. Her reactions always cracked me up.

"Oh, nothing much..." I started, walking away from her and towards the cafeteria. I heard her quiet footsteps chase after me.

"Something happened--" Ann jumped twice as she spoke--"Tell me."

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