Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"You have a lot to explain," my dad said calmly. Oh no, it's one of his moments. I just know it, he's being way to calm. I bit my lip, not knowing what to say.

Say something, anything.

"I forgot," I whispered, pushing my hair behind my eye and looking anywhere but at him.

"It was the second day, Kasey. How could you have forgotten? And what were you doing at Ann's house on a school night?" My dad's voice started to rise. I sucked in a shaky breath, trying to think of the right words to say. He's scary when he's angry, the best thing to do is hide in my bedroom and stay there until he's calmed down. Which took him a whole day once, I don't even remember what it was about. I had a bag of chips in my room that day though, Ann had come over the night before and brought them. Thank goodness for Ann's chips! Otherwise I would've starved that day, and me, starving? Ha, that would be a nightmare!

My dad's eyes pierced into mine, making me feel small and insecure, I chewed my lip, trying to distract the nervousness that built up in my stomach. As each moment passed, his anger bubbled up. His face sort of reminds me of a demon right now, a really scary one like from that TV show 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer.' I felt a shiver roll its way through my body, making my hands shake.

Stop shaking! Ugh, I hate when they shake!

"I-I." I sucked in a deep breath, completely lost of words. I saw my dads eyes harden, and his lips formed a straight line. I watched my hands while I fiddled with them. What am I supposed to say? Oh, dad the reason I stayed at Kasey's house was because I didn't want you to see me totally wasted. Yeah... Staying quiet is definitely the best thing to do right now. I can't trust myself, if he continues to pressure me like this I'm going to spill. I can't afford to do that, not now.

"I'm sorry dad, it won't happen again."

Please, just let this go, just once dad, please. I silently pleaded, hoping that he would somehow hear my thoughts.

He let out a sigh, running his hand across his hair in frustration. His eyes softened the tiniest bit, giving me hope.

"Okay." That was all that needed to be said. A huge grin spread on my face, unable to hold it in. "But if it happens again, I'll ground you until you're thirty-five."

The look on his face had me convinced. No more parties on a school night, check. I'll definitely need to let Ann in on that one--Actually, more like convince her. She's the one that got me in this mess in the first place. Not that I didn't have fun though...

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed excitingly, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. He gave me a quick hug back, when I pulled away he gave me a small smile, but I could still see the disappointment lingering in his eyes. Time to leave.

I skipped up the stairs, needing to grab my phone before I left for the third day of school. School. I groaned, slapping my hand to my forehead. That means seeing Colin, which leads to extremely embarrassing moments. Aka our run-in at Starbucks. And my very lonely Frappuccino... Why am I thinking about my Frappuccino at a moment like this? Because it's smooth, creamy and sweet taste fills my craving taste buds--I've got some major obsession with them if you hadn't noticed already. I was enjoying my last possible moments of freedom until someone had to come along and ruin it for me.

I had to make a fool of myself and probably ruined my entire future! If I can't get him to fall in love with me... I'm done. My whole entire life is finished, I'll die a lonely soul with twenty cats and a dog named Milo (don't ask me why... It was the first name that popped up in my head).

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