Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I couldn't believe how slowly the day went by. I swear it felt like a whole week. Maybe hiding in the bathroom all lunch had something to do with it. But I couldn't face everyone. Strangely nobody acted differently towards me today though. Maybe-just maybe, Erika really didn't spread any rumours around about me--yet. Catch the 'yet'?

It's Erika Carlson. There is no way in hell she wouldn't spread anything around. Even if it's a complete lie, there will be some type of rumour going around the school. I just know it. I felt a shiver run through my body. It could be anything, and it will be something to make sure Colin would never even look at me--or ever talk to me again.

My mood suddenly shifted a little bit. Why do I feel so upset? Nothings happened yet, Colin might still continue to talk to me. But then again, why do I care? Why am I even thinking about Colin? Ugh, this is so frustrating! I just had to make that damn bet. I'll be a maid for the rest of my life, and then no guy would ever want me. I'm never getting drunk again, because when I do, I make the worst decisions ever!

I pulled my phone out to send Ann a quick text.

'I hate you.'

I bit my lip after I sent it, regretting my text instantly.

'I'm sorry. I don't hate you.' I sent again, and then started typing another text.

'I'm just really mad at you.'

I put my phone away, not wanting anymore temptation to send another text, I've already spammed her enough. A minute later my phone alerted me that I had a text, of course it being Ann, who else would it be? Ha, it's not really like I have friends...

'What did I do?' I rolled my eyes, really Ann? What did you do? Wow. I wonder...

'You left me alone in the hell hole!' I watched the screen, waiting for her reply. About half a minute later her text popped up.

'Hell hole...? Oh right, sorry gurl!'

Sorry isn't really going to fix it, now is it? Ignoring her text, I decided to do my homework. I've always loved getting homework, it distracts me from my thoughts. And hey, I hate being bored, so it's a perfect mind challenging activity to do instead of sitting around on the couch watching TV. Don't get me wrong, I love watching TV whenever 'Vampire Diaries' or 'Pretty Little Liars' is on, but that's pretty much the only thing I watch on TV, other than the few movies every here and there.

I stared at the word equation, raking my brain to try and figure it out. But these types of questions were never the highlight of my day. I hated them, they seemed to twist with my mind until it hurt my head. I closed my eyes, pressing my hand to my forehead.

"Damn," I muttered, slamming my science book closed. Yeah, I like homework until these stupid questions show up and are too mind challenging.

"Kasey!" My dad yelled my name. Uh oh... What did I do this time? I thought of every horrible thing I've done in the past week. Did he find out about the party? Oh no. No, no, no! This so cannot be happening, I knew this was the worst idea ever! I knew it! I'm in so much shit. I won't be grounded till I'm thirty-five, I'll be grounded till I'm like eighty-nine!

"Ann's here!" He yelled again. I felt a breath of relief escape my body, I wiped the sweat that was forming on my forehead, and straightened my clothing. That was a close one, and man was that frightening. I let out an awkward laugh before opening my door to go and get Ann, who I am still mad at. Why is she even here? I didn't invite her.

I stomped down the stairs, ready to yell at her for ditching me, but the words slipped away from my head when I saw what she was carrying. My stomach growled and my mouth started to water.

She held a tub of chocolate peanut butter ice cream in one hand, and a bag of BBQ chips in the other. This is why I love this girl! She knows just when I need my comfort food. The anger I felt for her left instantly and I charged for the food.

"Woah, woah!" She responded quickly, holding her hands--and the food--up in the air. Ignoring her, I snatched the food from her hands, letting another loud growl escape from my stomach.

"I knew food was the ultimate apology." Ann laughed. Rolling my eyes, I went to put the ice-cream in the freezer, Ann following me close behind.

"So... do you forgive me?" Opening the freezer, I placed the ice-cream on a half empty shelf. Closing the freezer door, I turned around to look at her. She was biting her lip with a worried expression lingering in her eyes. It's not necessarily her fault she didn't go to school, I can't hate her forever. Besides, it wasn't that bad of a day. It seemed to be that Erika kept her mouth shut. Thank goodness! I don't know what I would have done today if she hadn't.

You would've cried and ran home, my thoughts whispered to me.

Well... That's probably true. But who wouldn't? Imagine the entire school laughing at you because of a huge mistake you did while being drunk. Pointing, smirking, starring at you, and not being able to get away because everyone is in on it. Yeah, not a pretty picture. It's actually quite terrifying--In my opinion.

"Please Kay, answer! I can't wait for your answer any longer," Ann groaned, stomping her feet like a child. I grinned in amusement.

"Yes, you're forgiven... But next time you're in major shit, girl!" I crossed my arms, trying to put on my most serious face. Ann's smile looked like it would rip right through her face, and her hug felt like it would squish me to death.

"I can't breath," I choked out, trying to push her away, but my arms were bolted to my sides.

"Thank you!" She shrieked next to my ear, making it pop. I think I just went a little bit deaf.

"Alright, you can let go now." I gasped, trying to breath. She finally let go of me, letting me take in a deep breath of air. I could've fallen down to the ground in delight, damn she has a tight hold.

Next time, I'm running for my life.

"Okay, it's movie time!" she cheered, grabbing onto my arm and dragging me upstairs. Once we got into my room, I sat on my bed as she looked through the movies where I stored them neatly under my TV stand. I glared at her as I watched her throw them messily around her.

"You better put them exactly where they were once you're finished." I frowned, crossing my arms across my chest. With Ann's back to me, she waved her hand in dismissal, making me shake my head.

"The Notebook or Dear John?" I grinned at her choices. We've watched both of those movies probably a hundred times, but they were still my favourites. 

"You're just showering me with my favourite things today, huh?" I grinned, but a thought then crossed my mind. "Weren't you sick, Ann?" 

She turned around, a guilty look in her features. I frowned at her, betrayal steaming back up. Why would she lie to me? Even if she wasn't really sick, she could have told me the truth about why she didn't come. I was no longer upset with her about leaving me alone, it was how she lied to me. I thought best friends didn't lie to each other. 

"I'm sorry, but I--just couldn't go today." She looked away from me and inserted one of the two movies. I let the subject drop--only for the moment. I was to tired to handle this right now. Besides, Ann wouldn't leave me alone like she did today without a pretty good reason, and she also sounded pretty upset. 

Ann placed herself next to me on my bed. I watched the TV screen go to the play button to watch The Notebook. Yes! I love that movie, it's seriously one of the best movies ever. 

"What happened today?" She asked me, pressing play with the controller. I thought about what happened today. Not much--but Colin did speak to me, it didn't mean anything though. I shivered, remembering what happened in class.

"I sat beside Colin in English class," I started. A huge grin formed on her face.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing, Kasey!" She was jumping up and down on the bed, but she won't be doing that once I told her what happened. 

"Yeah, but I feel asleep. And guess what?" I paused, trying to make a dramatic affect. "I was apparently drooling." I let my head fall into my hands in embarrassment. 

I heard a gasp come from Ann. "No, oh gosh, Kasey." 

A moment later I hurt a snort of laughter. I snapped my head up to see her trying to hold in her most obvious amused face. 

"It's not all that funny." I crossed my arms across my chest, huffing. 

"But it is." With that, she couldn't hold it in any longer and started to laugh her head off. I rolled my eyes, soon to follow with my own giggles. 


Not much happened in this chapter, but why did Ann lie to Kasey about her being sick? 

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~ Emi

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